there is somethign stupid inhere..

i personally think ff9 is the bst of the ff (i played 5 6 7 9 10 12) but what people should play is the ff7, that is the game that made ff a really good game.


i though this was "games people should play" not games you love.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
If you ever make a list of games people shouldn't play, I'd like to suggest Demonophobia and Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
Especially Demonophobia. That is something no one on the entire planet should see.

Also, how is Pathologic going?

Will check out Demonophobia ;3
Well ehm...
Pathologic is a ... special little game what makes... very little sense....
And pretty much fucking my brain inside out :o
Can't help myself..
I like it lol.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
FF7 the movie was actually the shit, I was reluctant to watch at first, but I was glad when I did.

Also Metal Gear Solid is awesome.
Final Fantasy VII was not that good by the movie.
The game was really nice. It had a very nice story, but it gave me somewhat a bad atmosphere because of it's "sad" style.
Yes it is a nice game with very many features, but it doesn't seem to be the best to me.
Even though it is interesting.
Oh by the way, I love chocobo!
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
as i said it isnt the best for me as well, but it is probably the first GREAT 3d game of all time.

If this thread is going to be what it says in the title, better be what it says in the title lol.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
Originally Posted by Kristis133 View Post
Playstation 1 best game - Final Fantasy IX.

End of discussion.

Final Fantasy 7 was better.

I didn't like this one cause it was too boring.
Originally Posted by uchiha619 View Post
Final Fantasy 7 was better.

I didn't like this one cause it was too boring.

Well its a question of taste ;3

Anyways just a headsup to you guys who are interested.
Will spend a couple of hours adding games to the list later so if you have more games you wish me to add, just tell me.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Well yes.

I also think that final fantasy should have stayed with one story line.

Because it started getting stupid after 9.
Originally Posted by AkumaBeast View Post
as i said it isnt the best for me as well, but it is probably the first GREAT 3d game of all time.

If this thread is going to be what it says in the title, better be what it says in the title lol.

Well, im accepting people's wishes of games they wish me to add in the list?

Look, im a gamer, i love games.
A BIG BIG pile of games.

Just think about that im alone making this list wich will be FILLED with tons of games. (what ive thought)
So i add my personal thoughts about them, and the majority of games people suggested, they are classics, nothing bad to say about them, or not a single reason why i shouldn't add them in the list.

Come up with a game, i check it up, look what people think of the game, and might just add it.

Originally Posted by avwave View Post

Actually i've never played this game.
(what i can think of anyway)
But obviously its a "love or hate" game according to google?
Bigger part of the players seems to enjoy it though, so i add it and check out some reviews.

If you got some personal thoughts about it feel free to post them and i add them in the description.

Originally Posted by uchiha619 View Post
Well yes.

I also think that final fantasy should have stayed with one story line.

Because it started getting stupid after 9.

Well i can agree with you there.
But really, FF X was actually really really good :o

Anyways just a headsup to you guys who are interested.
Will spend a couple of hours adding games to the list later so if you have more games you wish me to add, just tell me.
Last edited by Dagger; Dec 12, 2011 at 10:37 AM.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert