How can you even say that?
Give me 5 reasons why its like a mw2 with better graphics.
A true replay maker only knows blood,sweat,tears and glory...ALSO failure, ALOT of failure.
also i sing harshvocals n stuff
Originally Posted by Corey View Post
is anybody into quick scoping? i'm not that great at it myself but it's a lot of fun.

I CAN quickscope as I used to from all the previous call of duty games where it was an option except it was on console. i play on pc now and still try from time to time and i have my goods and bads. at times i can go on 12~ killstreaks in search quickscoping or just dominate a match quickscoping but others i'm off of my game and the bullets don't seem to register or i just plain out miss. not saying i'm amazing though.
Originally Posted by Zyrax View Post
I don't like i that much.
For me it mw2 again with better graphics.

Just because you suck at it doesn't meant you have to dislike it.

Go back to playing BF
Admin on the famous minecraft server; Raidcraft
MW3 is cool I like it but I won't play it all the damn time like some people do. Anyways I think when it comes to hype MW3 will destroy BF3 anyday. As for graphics BF3 owns all. So yea I like it but its not on my top 5. It ranks 7
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
In my opinion, it is just a combination of MW2 and MW remade. Serously, alot of the guns are the same, maps are similiar, and all the "new ideas" were pretty much already thought of.

I'm the chicken.
M 'n' M factory!
Avatar shop
Not on this game anymore.
Originally Posted by noskcaj View Post
In my opinion, it is just a combination of MW2 and MW remade. Serously, alot of the guns are the same, maps are similiar, and all the "new ideas" were pretty much already thought of.

it's like same game nothing has been changed