Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
Ok I give up. If you buy D3 then you will deserve what's coming to you. I'm out.

>doesn't like the game so demands that everyone must have a shitty time with it

myself and a group of 4 friends all pre-ordered and have been playing the betas together and it can't be more enjoyable.
Originally Posted by Boonana View Post
If your complaining about customization go into the options and turn on elective mode. You can bind any skill to any of 1-2-3-4-5-mousebuttons. I'm a little mad that you can only have 7 spells. Buuuuuuuut its only the beta and I'm assuming it'll get changed.

And the fact that your weapon is useless is kinda stupid if you ask me.

I see.

Well in D2 you had 2 (left and right click) and can use the F# buttons to swap those skills. I don't like the cooldown between skill swaps and having to go in to menus (no hotkeys) to change them.
zalmoxis, i own diablo 1 and diablo 1 is also very different from diablo 2.

Also people dont want to play path of exile because its a rip off of diablo2, they want something new!

And blizzard got it right, they came up with Diablo3, the new generation Diablo, and if you see more then the beta, you will see really fun stuff that you would never see on a diablo2 or diablo1 game.

The only thing that i dont like is the skill tree but the beta experience doesnt allow me to say if its good or bad.
On diablo1 you just have to pick the tome and learn, on diablo2 you have the skill tree and a level limit, now we have skills that we learn and we can costumise them. So its kind of a mix.
But the mix is probably intended for the PvP system. On diablo 2 you had the corpse explosion on the necro, but why would you want that for PvP?
This allows you to play how you want, when you want.
Last edited by AkumaBeast; Apr 26, 2012 at 05:53 PM.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
So they removed the most fun skills so that every skill is 'useful' for pvp? I wouldn't be surprised, it seems they want everyone to have the same character no matter what they do (no stat or skill leveling etc). I don't really like the idea of making everyone play the game the same way.

The difference between the D2->D3 transition and the D1->D2 transition is that in the D1->D2 we gained more flexibility and choices - we got stats and skill leveling, and a skill tree - basically we gained a ton of character development and customization. In D3 did they expand on this? No, they removed skill trees and stat leveling. The only point of character developments are XP and professions. Would you say this is more freedom and development or less?

Seems like a huge leap backwards just for the purpose of making everyone play the same and to be more accessible to casuals (almost 0 possibility for meta-game or optimization)
D3, yes you get to choose whatever. That's nice for not grinding away for new builds all the time.

But it still seems like you can't create any combinations that may yield unexpected results. Slaving away to make discoveries makes the discovery more rewarding.
If you can change skills at any time the concept of a build is not really relevant. I often changed spells in the middle of fights to take down a boss then swap to AoE to clear the mobs.

However once I got enough slots I realized that there are less than 5 skills that I want to use at all...
seems like with that seal, you almost go on life support whenever you're fighting, sounds like dalek roidrage
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan