Yeah.. we need to find more dedicated active members most definitely, I don't even see why people are quitting.
Big genital guy hmu ladies
Yeah.. I don't plan on quitting any time soon, or ever.
Big genital guy hmu ladies
Yeah, the remaining members need to remain strong, this is how a clan dies, and [a] will not die, not any time in the foreseeable future, not while we stick together.
#Magnus - #Sigma
I find it strang how when this clan was made it had like 100 pages in a few days, and now people are leaveing like it was there job to get it official or something.

I just left because my friend wanted to make a clan with me.
Dear, Adventure

As I can see times are rough at the moment. This isn't the reason I'm leaving adventure though. I was planning on leaving, but as I saw others leaving rapidly I decided to wait a while. As it seems things won't better, I might as well not wait. I am leaving adventure with Rayleigh leader Wafflez co and Akuma mod. Before I posted I thought clearly about each position I gave each member. I based it on there activity and there experience. Also by there loyalty. I would like to wish the best to this clan. Who knows maybe the new ownership I handed out will do wonders. I'll put myself as Allie, and I will support you guys the best of ways.
I'm back :)