just remiding you event is starting today at 19pm(+.-)your gmt everyone that can come please come
R.I.P. [Sigma] and (team waifu)
Secret is out of the game for 2 days DD
I beat Tea again :3
You thought you can kill me? Well I am already dead. So Fuck you and your inbred son in law.
No, Secret is out for good, unless they buy a new ship! And they can buy new ship one day from now, so maybe they will return on Sunday, and maybe not. We will see...
ye it was a great day.
good job deathdude9 and i hope not only i and dude will come tommmorow
R.I.P. [Sigma] and (team waifu)
Major problem guys me and deathdude are going to school trip on friday and i need someone that can make it to the event at the time and to do moves that i will pm him if noone can do that we will have to retire from the event
R.I.P. [Sigma] and (team waifu)
Friday 19.00 h (+,- your gtm)
so if you can then just pm me and i will pm you the moves
R.I.P. [Sigma] and (team waifu)
damn damn damn ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was punished i couldnt run it