Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
If someone beats you in a game and the first thing you do is accuse them of cheating, you are a gamer.

Correct, as always. :P
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
If someone beats you in a game and the first thing you do is accuse them of cheating, you are a gamer.

Because obviously saying someone cheats when they win makes you a gamer.

I bet you're the kind of asshole that kicks people from servers for winning when you're the host.
Originally Posted by up2u View Post
Because obviously saying someone cheats when they win makes you a gamer.

I bet you're the kind of asshole that kicks people from servers for winning when you're the host.

Nah, Hippybob is a cool gamer. I think a gamer is someone who plays games non-stop for hours each day. (Like all of us on Toribash)
If someone beats you in a game and you accuse them for cheating, you are not a gamer, you suck at losing and you suck at games. Both contradict what a gamer really is.

A gamer doesn't Lose and a Gamer doesn't suck at games.

You guys ever watch Grandma's Boy? That guy can play any game and not suck, even if he lost he would take it like a man.

Also yeah, a gamer games for hours and not just plays games.
Originally Posted by up2u View Post
Because obviously saying someone cheats when they win makes you a gamer.

I bet you're the kind of asshole that kicks people from servers for winning when you're the host.

I bet Hippybob is the kind of guy who makes hilarious jokes.

Oh wait, he is!