[a] Games !
Do you play any games, that you wanna show us ? Don't be shame post here.

I'll do eet first !

Well, Combat Arms is about a FPS game, its have in alot of country as Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, USA and others...I'm Brazilian, so obviously I play in Brazilian Sever, by the Level Up Games. Combat Arms or CA, its almost like Counter Strike, AVA, Soldier Front, Point Blank, and all others FPS, they are all the same if you can understand me, changing the resolution, the maps and the way you see the characters they talents and that thins each game have they, Combat Arms its normal and I fully recommend if you like FPS games.

Please rate it, First video our team lost and I end with 24/14 Kills/Deaths

On the second video we won and I end with 14/6 Kills/Deaths.

~Thx for Rating and all that stuff.

By: Razor
lacked=kicked lol?
Wow that was fast. You prob. would've been on longer if I had finally finished downloading. Sadly I'm still on only 6% lol