It's really hard to get in touch with a moderator and know them like friends.
You were really a great guy, I don't get why people hated on you the past couple of days..
To be honest, you were my favorite moderator...really a pain seeing you leaving after the time you spent on Toribash.

Good bye.
Man that sucks..

At first, i was like most people. I hated kitfox. He was an ass at first. If you've ever seen the show Scrubs, He's like Dr. Cox. He can be a huge asshole. But once you get to know him, and he actually accepts you even a bit, you can see who he really was. I like to think i was starting to be accepted a bit by him. He was an amazing person when you thought about it. He was hardworking, and I think he could've straightened out the community if he stayed and tried. I like to consider us friends, which makes it worse that you're leaving.
I'll miss you man, I hope you return one day.

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Shit, there goes another member I respected. Have a good life, you deserve it since your toribash mod life blew
We don't hire night janitors.