Clan name/Individual name: Pacman / DaF
Why you want to be an ally: You removed me from the list, also our clan would like to support yours
Why should we pick you to be an ally: Because im awesome :P
Clan name/Individual name: [RAM]
Why you want to be an ally: We need help and a lot good people is here. I, the new leader of ram ask for support and allyship
Why should we pick you to be an ally: We will help you too... and also i'm already an ally :3
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
we need some enemies :| too bad everyone is nice
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
Originally Posted by OngBash View Post

The Bold means your good clan friend.

The * means you donated or contribute to D7.

I donated 1tc D:

And make it JorreI, my account is perm banned atm for messing with veb :[
✠Bank of Guardians
^so you mean that i must change your name on the list to 'Jorrel' instead of 'Jorrel14'?

@wwolfer: you have been rejected as you did not use the application form. Read the first post next time..

EDIT: We have a new Enemy! [Temp], and unofficial clan who kicked me just becuase i was streaking....
Last edited by War; Jun 17, 2010 at 07:21 AM.
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