its definitely a great game,havent finished the campaign yet but multiplayer rox HNNNG
anyway I tried to finish the game in hard difficulty so Im liek,screwing up at upriver
Some info :[clan] Look : IvoryStripe Click 8th Dan :p [I maek Art :D] -GATA-

Links to satisfy curiosity :
I couldn't connect to EA Online for the first week or so, so I just ended up playing through the singleplayer in all 3 difficulties.
Originally Posted by Lempika View Post
I updated the game, and now I can play, the only problem is that I can only play when I select Play Now, because the server list doesn't show any servers no matter how many times I refresh.

You have to search for them.

There should be a seacrh option on the right hand side when you go into "Servers".


Thats my favourite mission apart from the last one :>.
I love the snipers in single player, you would not belive how many no scopes i got
Last edited by noomy; May 16, 2010 at 06:36 AM.
Just finished single compaign in -snip- . Going to buy a license for multiplayer. Very realistic!

No Warez discussion what-so-ever.
Last edited by Malvie; May 16, 2010 at 05:22 PM.
[Damned] Clan Bank. All inventory on sale
if you have another shooter i wouldnt buy it.
and there are (for me) less new things since BF:BC1.
But the online multiplayer is how i expectet great!!!
I need someone to explain to me how to drive a helicopter on PC. Each time I try to go forward I crash in the ground. Also, I'm not 100% sure how the parachute works.
@muffindo, It's basic pc heli controls, i think if you google "bc2 heli controls" you'll find an answer quickly but i'll try to explain.

You use "w"to move the heli upwards, and "s" to move it downward, your mouse(or directional keys) tilt the heli forward or backward when moving your mouse forward/backward.
When you turn your mouse(or use the left/right directional keys) you rotate the heli left or right.
when you use "a" or "s" you tilt the heli left or right, this is usefull for evasive moves, but can make you crash when close to objects if you use it wrong.

My best advice is find a empty server running atacama desert, go engineer and if you crash just jump out before you hit the ground(the heli takes less damage from drops if it is empty) and repair. if you crash close to the enemy spawn andyour heli dies, grab theirs and continue practicing.
Parashute is the spacebar while you are in the air, you can use it anywhere very usefull to get off of high buildings. you are very visible with a shute out so deploy close to the ground.
r to go upwards. Do not press e because then the whole shit will explode.
I think you got it a bit wrong there bw33 :/