Well. I guess I did something funny today. Was getting a dish and I knocked out a glass pan. Out of habit I tried to stop it... with my foot. I ended up breaking the glass pan with my ankle Y.Y Then after I cleaned the blood from my ankle I was stuck looking for glass for an hour.. Y.Y
Bad translator. Set translation number to max. Post your results.
Original text:

"Ice cream."

...54 translations later we get:

Seems relevant.
Toribash = "Valentine s day in Amman."
Now I did 3 words: Pencil computer drums. And this is what I got.
"Apart from his own Batteries."
[11:03] <Murmayder> I AM A WALRUS
I'm still stuck on the Chained

"Kick falling object for save" reflex.

I do it too!
<~legsol> (yes he is gay he is the gayest gay furry ever)
Yea... Take and kick a glass pan. I'm sure your brain will say "Screw that! Never again!"

What surprises me is that I broke it without breaking my ankle. (I kick with my ankle for some reason, like a hackysac)
I do a straight up FALCON KICK!!!

Even if I know its breakable.

Its just that my brain doesn't learn :3
<~legsol> (yes he is gay he is the gayest gay furry ever)