*Walks up*

"It's alright Pardon, I can take care of this. Please go have the dining hall set up for us. Also, make sure KenG and KidG are dressed appropiately for dinner would you? They, and yourself shall be joining us, if that is alright with you." -JesseD

"... As you wish...." -Pardon

*Pardon leaves*

"Welcome, I'm sure you guys wouldn't mind staying for dinner?"
Last edited by JesseD; Apr 26, 2010 at 01:57 AM.
"Yes, That would be nice, We need to sit and rest. And thank you for referring to Us as a group. Our people ban thinking of individualism."
*Walks into the mansion with Jesse* *Takes off Our sword and sets in near the door in an umbrella holder*
"Sir, We were to give you this when We arrived at your residence"
*Hands over a letter*

Dear Jesse, I hope you receive this letter. Our organization has heard of your work with the blade and other great skills. We would love for you to have Assassin #Nineteen with you for protection. We know of a man from the depths of Hell who has his sights set on you. We know that Nineteen can help you in defeating him. You are a very important part of our organization and we can not let anything happen to you. Make sure to remind Nineteen that he may not use any weapons unless advised by yourself. He has been known to break our first rule. We pray for your safety and Trust Nineteen will keep you safe from all harm. Your friend you've never met.

"Hmm. This is interesting. Well, let's eat. I have nothing much to say about this." -JesseD says with some relief after reading the letter

*They all sit down at the table and begins eating. Before so Pardon whispers something in KenG's and KidG's ears.*

"Pardon?" -JesseD

"Yes?" -Pardon

"..... Nothing" -JesseD
(dude he is sooo setting you up to reveal another power ;>)

i LOVE pretending this is a tv show and talking about it loudly to myself

(I promise I will join in when there is a spot in the storyline I see fit to be filled)
Something about busses:D
*Looks at it*
"Yes, this is Our language. We use it to communicate without anyone being able to understand."

"It translates to.. Dear Jesse, I hope you receive this letter. Our organization has heard of your work with the blade and other great skills. We would love for you to have Assassin #Nineteen with you for protection. We know of a man from the depths of Hell who has his sights set on you. We know that Nineteen can help you in defeating him. You are a very important part of our organization and we can not let anything happen to you. Make sure to remind Nineteen that he may not use any weapons unless advised by yourself. He has been known to break our first rule. We pray for your safety and Trust Nineteen will keep you safe from all harm. Your friend you've never met.

"That's all it is."
*Takes out our knife and cuts the paper into pieces*

"We can't let our letters fall into the wrong hands, do you have a fire place?"

"Yea." -JesseD

*JesseD takes the pieces of paper and leads Nineteen to the living room, a small room with two very expensive rocking chairs and a large fireplace, then tosses the fire.*

*A servant enters the room and whispers something into JesseD's ear, afterward JesseD begins looking Nineteen up and down.*

"Well. Your weaponry is nice. And quite well hidden. But, it seems like you could use new gear, including a new outfit if you like. I'm not sure, but it could be possible that stuff has sentimental value to you. In which case just let a servant know, they will delicately case it to perserve it." -JesseD

"Tommorow, if I want you to start your day with a clothing designer to get a new outfit, simliar to your own, completely different, whatever you like. Then You will meet up with the weapon specialist. With him you will find your new weapons, he's very skilled, and can make anything you describe. Then you finish off meeting with the portal master, as he will be visiting tommorow to teach you a new skill that you posess. Thanks to one of the portal servants for picking up and a unique aura surrounding you that most portal'ers posess." -JesseD

"This new ability you will posess has been named for you, Nineteen's "Shadow Blink". Which is like a portal'ers ability to quickily teleport over a short distance. But you seem to be different, as this aura can hide you, making you very transparent right after blinking." -JesseD

*Servant comes to show Nineteen their room*
Last edited by JesseD; May 1, 2010 at 04:23 AM.