I think people watch too much
"Life has a funny way of throwing wet sponges at our dreams." ~ MoreTh>n Freeman
I was dreaming I had a sexual relationship with my best friend.. She's a girl by the way.
Which set me to thinking..

I am sick and had a fever, which made the dream look almost realistic.
She has a boyfriend, and I have a girlfriend. So I dunno.
Maybe it means I care for her, not that I love her.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
I was dreaming I had a sexual relationship with my best friend.. She's a girl by the way.
Which set me to thinking..

I am sick and had a fever, which made the dream look almost realistic.
She has a boyfriend, and I have a girlfriend. So I dunno.
Maybe it means I care for her, not that I love her.

That must suck being in a relationship whilst wanting to be in another one.

As for me, I don't sleep.
I had a dream when I was like 5, a spider was crawling up my pilow with glowing red eyes, so I wake up, punch the fuck out of my pillow like a tough kid, shrug the pillow off and fall asleep again.
I was in a hotel when it occurred and what was in the dream actually happened, but not the same as in the dream.

Here I was, laying on the floor in the hotel room asleep. All of a sudden, I got thirsty so I got up and walked out of the room towards the drink machine. My parents ran out and grabbed me and directed me back to the room.

That was the dream....this is what happened.

I got up at ~4am, walked out of the room wearing shorts. Walked towards the road in the rain, got in the road, dad came out and grabbed me, brought me back inside.

Also had one where I thought I was a wizard and tried to levitate the couch and got laughed at by my parents for at least 2 weeks.

Walked into the living room, said "watch this..." and waved my hands around and pointed at the couch.

Isn't sleepwalking a bitch?
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
Originally Posted by tacoBELL View Post
I was in a hotel when it occurred and what was in the dream actually happened, but not the same as in the dream.

Here I was, laying on the floor in the hotel room asleep. All of a sudden, I got thirsty so I got up and walked out of the room towards the drink machine. My parents ran out and grabbed me and directed me back to the room.

That was the dream....this is what happened.

I got up at ~4am, walked out of the room wearing shorts. Walked towards the road in the rain, got in the road, dad came out and grabbed me, brought me back inside.

Also had one where I thought I was a wizard and tried to levitate the couch and got laughed at by my parents for at least 2 weeks.

Walked into the living room, said "watch this..." and waved my hands around and pointed at the couch.

Isn't sleepwalking a bitch?

I have that problem too. I also have a problem with sleeptalking. One time, when my aunt was living with me, I had sleepwalked to the bathroom, which was next to her room. My aunt heard me, walked into the bathroom and told me to go back to sleep. I said, "okay," picked up my pants and stood up, and walked into the bathtub.

Thank god she didn't turn on the water. Instead, she was like, "What are you doing? Go back to your bed." I got out, stepped outside of the bathroom, ran and jumped onto my bed and threw the covers over me.

When I woke up, of course, I didn't remember a thing. But my aunt and parents were laughing like crazy. But back to dreams...

...or nightmares in this case. So, I have this recurring nightmare that I've been having ever since I was a little kid. It doesn't sound too scary, but it always scares the shit out of me. It is completely random, but whenever it does happen, I always wake up sweating. Here goes:

Everything goes completely dark. I'm sprawled out on the floor. I see an ambiguous figure that's darker than the night. I slowly feel all of my energy sucked away from my body. Then, the figure starts laughing at me in one of those evil genius laughs...and I feel completely helpless.
Usually, my dreams are just really random segments of crazy ass shit. Last night, one of the segments I remember is that I accidentally cut myself really bad with a razor. I looked at the cut, but no blood was coming out, so I looked closer. It didnt look red at all, and I looked even closer, with my hand right up to my eye. Looking in the cut, I saw that my hand was hallow, and inside was the universe. Yes, you read that right, the fucking universe.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

i got a dream that i had shaders and a good fps
i had prime and stuff
and stiff stuff like void and demon
having pure at the mix
and had a texture set made by (idk)
it was a pure elf void set theme

and i was woked up again for school

:| Dreaming toribash, oh great.

It was liek 4 in the middle of the night when I woke up that something kept banging outside, the house I was in didn't look like my house at all, but in the dream I acted as it was. Some guys whit machine guys came and yelled at me to get out and move, saying that the city is going down, I was like "The fuck are you talking about ?"

He grabbed me and tried to shove me outside, but I went back inside to take my shoes on and a bottle of water, when I was about to exit some nasty,gruesome, killed, woman limped near me but the guy whit the machine gun shoot her in the head, didn't have time to leave the yard, I saw a horde of zombies walking down the street,going to the backyard (Which looked like the the real one) I climbed up the chain fence and from there jumped on the roof, and entered in the attic (Seriously, you need to climb on the chain fence and jump from there up, or use a ladder) the inside of the attic was covered in white, comfy...texture to say so.

4 S.W.A.T peoples were there aiming their snipers/guns down and telling me to get in, having nothing else to do, I wanted to get in, but first I climbed over the attic and took a look at the street, all was dead, and a fucking huge wave of zombies marched and killed all in their path.

Then I woke up and had to go at tthe school.
Osum dream.
Centuries Of Damn