Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post


Now I'm going Biotic fo sho :B

Major details about ammo are still unknown. It could be some cooling "ammo", in which you'd replace the "magazine" in order not to overheat the gun or maybe it could just be there for special ammo types, like the incendiary one. I guess we'll have to wait for an official response or for the game to come out.

Also, latest character trailer:

If you want to see older ones, like Thane's or Samara's, just visit http://masseffect.bioware.com/
Last edited by Drakhir; Jan 10, 2010 at 04:19 PM.
Makes me sad that I will probably not be able to afford this game on release.

Christmas and five birthdays comes first, it really sucks away your money.

But I will get it. The first Mass Effect got my brother to sit down and watch and come with advices, almost like the old days but then it was Zelda:Ocarina of time and me sitting in the couch watching my brother playing.

I think ME2 will live up to my expectations. Looks like the first one but with major improvments. But I still don't like that they removed the elevator scenes.
Dirt dosen't need luck
Mass Effect 2 lead writer Mac Walters reveals an essential moment in the life of Commander Shepard, the galaxy's greatest hero, only in Mass Effect: Redemption!

The eagerly anticipated sequel to the blockbuster science-fiction epic that IGN.com named the #1 Xbox 360 game of all time, Mass Effect 2 begins with the disappearance of Commander Shepard. The story of what happens next -- exclusive to these comics -- will have the commander's companion Dr. Liara T'Soni undertake a deadly mission of extraordinary importance in the Milky Way's lawless Terminus Systems.

You can see a preview/buy it here.
Dayum, hot voice right there.
Just like Liara's voice, that was hot like fiyah :B

Seems like you are just as crazy about this game as I am, Drakhir :P
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Dayum, hot voice right there.
Just like Liara's voice, that was hot like fiyah :B

Seems like you are just as crazy about this game as I am, Drakhir :P

I'm crazier than a krogan about it. :v
Last edited by Drakhir; Jan 10, 2010 at 04:52 PM.
I'm crazier about it than a krogan that's about to receive the cure for the genophage.

Xbox or Pc?
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
I'm crazier about it than a krogan that's about to receive the cure for the genophage.

Xbox or Pc?


Also, video interview with new gameplay footage and information about Mass Effect 3 and the role that Mass Effect 2 will play in the trilogy: http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/14235019/mass-effect-2/videos/ces10ford_masseffect2_inv_010810.html?show=hi
If I were to buy Mass Effect 2, would I need to get Mass Effect 1 to really understand the gameplay, plot, basic info, etc. Or could I just go to the next one? Like, based on your estimations on how the game is going to go.
Well from what I know I think you would be able to pick up directly at ME2 and still understand the plot.

I would guess there will be some type of intro explaining what happened in the first game.

I would however strongly recommend buying the first one as well, it is really cheap now.

However, I am not the right one to say something like this. I am sure someone else knows more about this deal.
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