Original Post
Making a Video (not xmas themed)
title says it all, post replays here and ill put yu in :P

ALOT OF PEOPLE OMG im on it lol trust me ill get em up ;P expect within the next 2 weeks maybe?

Last edited by Jetsnix; Jan 19, 2010 at 09:29 PM.
That's why I suggested changing the theme:l.
Also, you don't have me in D:.
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
surprisingly i got a new mac so yeah i actually have a bit done lmfao srry for the delay guys, its juss gonna be a normal vid lol and if u wanna see the preview which was suppose to be another vid but i ran out of replays so i decided to add these replays on tpo tht 1 but ima be using more features like freecam and shxt check it out :P and actually due to my add, i completely forgot bout this thread lol
PEOPLE WHO ARE IN (i only took the best replays)

AND OTHERS IF U SEE URSELF IN THE VID thankz and also still can use some more replays
Last edited by Jetsnix; Jan 24, 2010 at 05:09 PM.