No, we are not.

Look this thread is full of nuclear fear. Nuclear weapons are effective only as scare tactics. Every country knows the implications of dropping one, which is the total destruction of the world. A nuclear weapon will never again be used against a country.

The discussion for what will cause the war, can only be between two categories. religion and resources, take your pick. Personally I think it will be resources as we seem to have developed a habit for raping the earth of everything it has.
Originally Posted by Deathsoldi View Post
Its not easy to say that we will tell stories to our grandchildren.
Because you never know if you will be killed in this war, the way we are now there could be a higher dead list for human history and that would be sad.

Since this got bumped I might as well state what I meant.
I did say if we lived through this, but I didn't think about the fact that we don't know who would die or wouldn't...
And the more I read what you said, the more I get what you're saying. Tell me if I'm wrong:
It's almost like the other two world wars, the veterans have a hard time explaining or hearing about their stories in the war because of the people that they knew died. I understand this (I know, video games) because of how true the 2nd Call of Duty was. So many people that you become attached to suddenly die... I almost cried when "Brooklyn" died...
Sorry for rant...
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
Look this thread is full of nuclear fear. Nuclear weapons are effective only as scare tactics. Every country knows the implications of dropping one, which is the total destruction of the world. A nuclear weapon will never again be used against a country.

Please read the rest of the thread before posting.
Honestly, I think the chances of an actual world war are pretty small. Seeing as most countries, apart from America obviously, are staying the fuck away from conflicts.

Now, of course they're sort of forced to help America if they're invaded. But otherwise, Europe doesn't have shit to do with America. Same goes for Australia/Asia.
And yes, I know that most countries follow America blindly, but in a scenario like this, they'd probably regain their sense and stay the fuck away from America.

You can obviously see I'm assuming America will be the main 'other side' apart from the attacker, whomever that might be.

Also, what's with the 'RUSSIA WILL START WWIII', that's bullshit.

Honestly, Russia, Europe and America seem to be doing pretty well together, apart from occasional conflicts (Georgia for instance). WWIII will almost certainly be caused by North Korea or China, the only two powerful countries that openly dislike America.

lol @ people thinking the War on Terror is an actual war. It's just an excuse to justify the deaths of millitants that want America out of their country and innocent civilians in arabic countries.

Also, @ all you people saying a war for water is ridiculous: Our fresh water supplies are running thin and seawater is getting more and more polluted to a useless mess.
Last edited by Mapleleaf; Dec 31, 2009 at 04:26 PM.
an atomic bomb (again) but this time it will be so big that it will catch the atmosphere on fire
now were talking world war
its a draw
: D
Also, hypothetically, if it were to happen, it would be a war between two operators sitting behind a joystick.
It's the war of today, and certainly the war of the future. Look at afghanistan, they use UAV's all the time to bomb supposed Al-Qaeda 'strongholds'. I can imagine that if a new war were to break out, America wouldn't even send in a lot of personnel, but mostly remotly operated vehicles and a handful of operators.