Eh, some of my rl friends have got me into a pretty generic yet cool MMO called Shaiya. I've been playing it for a few days. No one from tb has signed up on it yet :{ One of my friends described it as 'WoW + Air rivals' so it's pretty damn cool. Nice graphics, nice gameplay. In it there are two warring factions: Alliance of Light and Union of Fury.

My buddies and I are on the Union. There's these parts where their territories intersect called the 'Borderlands'. So me and one of my friends rocked up there for some lols and watched a huge 3 party skirmish while hiding behind a mountain. After it ended the alliance totally won so we sat down behind the mountain out of sight. I poked my head up for a second and a fireball blasted right into my face dealing a critical hit and killing me instantly. Indeed, lols it supplied.
lead Sigma
I might download it later, but only if its under 1 Gb, I think I've nearly hit my cap.
The past few days I've actually been getting back into LaTale, you remember that don't you?
Cannot download WoW, you gotta buy it and monthly subscriptions, rather costly.
lead Sigma
Alright, I checked the cover. It says "PC MAC CD ROM", so I should think it'll work just as well on Mac. All of Blizzard's other games did, so.
You can download WoW, if you want to play a trial, you can go on their site and download the 10 day free trial.

It doesnt let you do everything, but its enough to see if you like the game. If you need more info about it, just send me a pm and i'll help you out.
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