my name is Cody
Im very tall
I am 20 years old. I have had a the same gf for 3 years O.o
I just finished school and became a Registered Nurse
I smoke lots of pot.

my name Michael ( I guess )
Im very short and have glasses
im 19, almost 20... but I looks like 16 =/
love beer
I haven't got and never had a girlfriend =(
gotta go fast
Originally Posted by MICu View Post

my name Michael ( I guess )
Im very short and have glasses
im 19, almost 20... but I looks like 16 =/
love beer
I haven't got and never had a girlfriend =(

Let me guess you're a shy kind of person?
Originally Posted by feroz View Post
My name is michael
From spanish.
I'm 16 years old.
Reading at university.
Playing football.kick box :3
i Have a girlfrind .my idiots friends hate toribash :3
i have a dog two dog's xD

Originally Posted by MICu View Post

my name Michael ( I guess )
Im very short and have glasses
im 19, almost 20... but I looks like 16 =/
love beer
I haven't got and never had a girlfriend =(

i made an invitation for ZiomxD,told him to make an application if he wants,he's a good player,a fine dude,9th dan dont know if u guys know him ingame,is it ok with u all?
My name is Adonis Love
I have beendating my girl for over 6 months now
I just joined a band Shadows Of Reality
I'm 16 and have my license
I am a junior in highschool I live in pennstate
and um oh my car is an Acura xp I'll supply pitures as proff whenever I remember
also I am starting at a different school this year.
And I am on a skate 2 skate team on xbox live
my gamertag is iTz MOD3RN
our YouTube channel is
enjoy new full team vids comming soon keep in mind we skate realistic.
I N C R E D I B L E H !
I like MICu *hug*
He is doing right.
Last edited by Neon10TT; Aug 30, 2009 at 10:55 PM.
The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.
My name is Davide
i had a girlfriend
Im 14
when i will be 18 i will want a skyline lol
My gamertag on Xbox Live is qXp ReWiiNd qXp
i have a little video of toribash on youtube
im lolling now
and i have skate 2 too
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[17:41] <@pusga> i want to cum inside dave