Gave it a whirl, not really fun :U It was a bit simplistic/confusing, even with Ciao helping me out. Don't feel like grinding 50 levels so I can use the big boy stuff. I guess it would be kind of fun if you can get past the droll of low-levels, though.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
Gave it a whirl, not really fun :U It was a bit simplistic/confusing, even with Ciao helping me out. Don't feel like grinding 50 levels so I can use the big boy stuff. I guess it would be kind of fun if you can get past the droll of low-levels, though.

Leveling to 40 takes about a day.
Lol if you would've asked me to walk you through, could've gotten you to 40-50 within an hour or two.

(Show off... -Ciao)
Last edited by CiaoTime; Aug 20, 2009 at 05:36 PM.
Back in my day...
Originally Posted by Cindermomo View Post
Im new to the game, so it will be awhile before I play with the big boys.

Im planning on going Water Taoist on my final rebirth for maximum support char. stats.


i gueeeeess i'll make an account. im mikotaku (consistency is one of my fortes)

o ya what server is it? :]

you guys better hope that it crossover games can handle this shite.

EDIT:awwww pap smear.. it not works
Last edited by mikotaku; Aug 23, 2009 at 09:34 AM.
I love you