Lol, with the texture prices dropping *glares at TTM* 600k is pretty much the equivalent to the 1M of a few months ago.

And when snorlaxen made that 1M req, no one could make anything worth it back then.
Of course, with new people now, it may be possible.

Also, you'd probably be wanting made from scratch too if you are offering anything past 500k. I remember Nimkasi making the best sets I've seen, although somewhat cluttered.

He also was pretty cheap, since he is actually a professional. While this may sound backwards, it takes him far less time to make a set, than, who just toyed with GIMP at first for the extra tcs.

You'd also have to question how artistic the set is though. While a professional texturer will be flashy, he would still be new to getting the looks right on a tori. In this case, you'd definitely want people like BenDover, hanz0, or Nightmare.
BenDover probably would be the most cost effective bet, with hanz0 is the middle, and Nightmare on the far end.
The thing is, since you are spending AN EFFIN MIL on a set (that's $100) you might as well get the best you can.
It certainly would be impressive to get another nightmare set into tb...
I really wish he didn't leave Toribash.

My name was mentioned a couple times, which is the only reason I saw this thread, and unless you have about 2 months to wait, like to deal with laziness, and the flamebait that will obviously come with it, fuggedaboudit. Plus I already promised myself not to make a set until I fully master GIMP. So while I could slave away for 6 hours on a head texture to perfect it, it wouldn't be worth it, with "it" being my time, or your money, since I'd have to do this with each texture, and I have a bad habit of not finishing the hands, feet, and torso. (and I've only made 4 sets >.> leave me alone)

Then there's mantrain, who I always have heard about, but havent seen very much. I'm not exactly old school, but he would probably be the best, if you can get him.

The final decision really depends on your style.

If you want beveled robotics, hanz0 is a pro :]
Mrama is pretty good with promo-looking stuff. Like abstract and awesome
Bendover makes the best anime and tribals i've ever seen
Just look around in shops

(*tired of typing*)
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
*glares at wall of text above*

anyway, looks like people keep saying the same thing
-depends on what you want
-1mil is too much
-you can get the same quality for half that

(just restating so no one has to read this whole thing like i bothered too )

BTW: i believe i may have a high-profit request comin up soon >.>
(I sure do make a lot of requests, hehe)
Well I sure hope you do make it 1M

Might start getting people to make 50k-100k head reqs again.

Cuz now, people are just settling for pretty bad heads....
My best wishes to you, and perhaps you will help all texturers
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
hehe, you sure do like high prices

but yea, once i get the tc, i'll make anywhere from 500k-1mil
not sure yetmostly cuz theres already a very nice set ive got my eye on
I was thinking of a tuxedo texture set, but then I thought that sounds pretty easy to make, so I'll have a go at it myself. I sure won't pay an exorbitant amount of TC for it.
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He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Originally Posted by Guv_na View Post
I was thinking of a tuxedo texture set, but then I thought that sounds pretty easy to make, so I'll have a go at it myself. I sure won't pay an exorbitant amount of TC for it.

Joints get in the way of the tie. /dl and /lp HomerDawkins, he's made a pretty good effort.
collect snots from the nose
Should this be an event? Like "The million tc set" or a request?
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Yeah, that would be your best thing to do Hax, unless you pm hanz0, he made slutheads set and its pretty amazing.
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