ya its funny so when people say *YOU LOOK LIKE ANfag*THATS WAT they mean lawl
and the word to make the pick of fag is F.A.G LOL (dont use the periods)
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ok heres a funny story from school.

on the bus ride home the people behind were lighting themselves on fire. the would wet their hands with axe and get a lighter and WHOOF. so one guy tries it for the first time and he says, " oh man I'm scared does it hurt?"

were all like "no it just singes"

so he wets his finger, lights it, shakes his hand and puts his hand down.
2 seconds later someone says
"hey buddy your still on fire"

and sure enough, there was still a blue blaze around his finger. he went ape**** and finally put it out.
grade 8 +country = weird
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
hey guys i have a question?are we gonna make a clan movie bc i have a awsome idea 4 one and a perfect song=Ownly the strongest will survive=AWSOME

/▌This Is Bob Copy And Paste Him So He
/ \ Can Take Over Toribash HE IS BOB
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I might.

I have been thinking about it.

but not replays. I am in to animation and I want a tablet for my birthday ( witch is in a week sunday) so if I get one I could make one. but it would take a while to do a good animation. but that would be cool. I am good at animating crap. kinda my hobby.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
COOL but u gotta use that song it is tha bomb and btw

/▌This Is Bob Copy And Paste Him So He
/ \ Can Take Over Toribash HE IS BOB
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☻Sorry i decaped Bob

I made some funny pictures of the game: Heli attack 3 (u know it?)
I made them look RAMBO!

PS: Here is the Cheat pack to it
:P the credits to the Cheat pack goes to Blader from Cheat Engine :P
Last edited by plomaster2; Apr 9, 2009 at 12:39 PM.
Pointless signatures are written in white.
HAPPY EASTER sry i could not ply yesterday and I will definataly be on sometime today and why am i out every other weekend is bc (my mom and dad are seperated and he gets me every other weekend) well happy easter all
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welcome back dtwonfire now look at all mah vids
Wannabe Furry, Proud Co-Leader of Marine Force Recon, I'mma be gone for a while guys :(