Hi, are you guys dead? If not I'd like to join because my old clan leader of Fr3styl AlphasoniK mysteriously ended up apart of this clan and that is my motivation for wanting to join this one. Let me know, if in fact you guys are active because I am bumping this thread from some months ago.
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
Originally Posted by fistfury View Post
Hi, are you guys dead? If not I'd like to join because my old clan leader of Fr3styl AlphasoniK mysteriously ended up apart of this clan and that is my motivation for wanting to join this one. Let me know, if in fact you guys are active because I am bumping this thread from some months ago.

No, lol. We sit on irc and sometimes have bursts of ACTIVITY™, which probably hasn't happened since a while because dota sucks and I don't feel like playing cs go or anything.

We had fr3styl guys (like 3 I think?) join because Alphasonik's a bro anyway and clan mob killed fr3styl for 'inactivity'. If you want to hang out on irc every once a year or post some random stuff on forum, then you're welcome, otherwise if you want a clan for playing toribash (hahaha) then it's probably a wrong choice. Also in case [re] doesn't tell you anything, we're [addicted]x[CW] merge.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
No, lol. We sit on irc and sometimes have bursts of ACTIVITY™

oh right, we have an irc

yeah we're not really active but I think we have space, now that the fuckboy Icky left...
goodbye cruel world
ayyy lmao, nice bump. We're near or at memebers limit anyway aaaand we don't show up in game much so yeah, no wonder there are no apps.
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
Since when do we have a member limit?

Member limits have been around since the beginning of ToriClans iirc. Shit's limited to 50 members a clan.
Originally Posted by Owca View Post
accept me pls

haha look at this guy applying despite being in the clan already wow

4/10 nice but you must put in more effort in the future

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos