Endurance Onslaught 6.0
well, I think he should give more attention to his arms, he didn't land a single punch in this replay and most of the time his arms are stagnant. Also, his balance control is good but his decisions are bad imo, he is often extending way too much some moves to the point he can't stop it anymore or it gets him in a bad position. I noticed some twitches and I would say that this happens because he changes his mind during the spar, which is not recommendable.

Now from you, Marrez, really good movements and flow as well. You move around pretty well, you manage to make your moves flow to the same direction almost throughout the whole thing, what marks a nice fashion, but I feel like you should stand on your feet more often, but that is just me

good stuff both of you
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

Hey, looks like you have a good thing going here. i want to improve in spar. ive played off and on for a few years. I mainly enjoy tricking, sparring and parkour. Any kind of reactional activity

i don't often find good players to spar with, so I hope I can make some friends here and improve with you guys. thanks

Request: Student Membership
Name: Kimjoa
Country: Australia
Languages: English
Attached Files
mas in the butt.rpl (777.1 KB, 4 views)
mas in the butt2.rpl (936.8 KB, 4 views)
lawz_mas_ring_black_8_15.tbm (19.6 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Kimjoa; Aug 24, 2018 at 07:14 AM.
Application for something
Request: Student Membership
Name: TrkMonarch
Country: USA
Languages: English
Attached Files
Sparing 5.rpl (512.3 KB, 5 views)
ima gay4.rpl (618.8 KB, 7 views)
Kimjoa: do you mind posting the mod? otherwise, despite all of the jittering i've got going on my end, you've got good movement and flow. accepted!

TrkMonarch: Your moves are pretty smooth, it's really pleasant. I think all they're missing are some pizazz and dynamics. accepted!

still accepting students, but really need some more teachers before we can really get into action! if any current students are willing to step up, please contact me so we can do so!
the goblin
you got me fucked up if you think that happening marrez
<Tazare> Now that would decap a lot of daughters
<Tazare> Wouldn't you agree?
Thank you. i updated my post with the mod

something I made today. its a little messy, but I would appreciate feedback
Attached Files
selfspar1.rpl (1.27 MB, 5 views)
Last edited by Kimjoa; Aug 24, 2018 at 11:10 AM.
Request: Teacher membership
Name: Glimpsed (you can call me Doug)
Country: England
Languages: English

also if you wanna put me down for any area on the teachers thing, I'd say that I'm mainly a tricker but i focus on creativity a lot
Attached Files
]S[ Kurokaen.rpl (370.0 KB, 16 views)
]S[ Cboh.rpl (808.7 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by Glimpsed; Aug 24, 2018 at 08:09 PM.
Glimpsed: absolute yes! I weclome you, friend

also Kimjoa that replay was wicked cool.

so, yeah, a lot of the movements were hasty and messy but I feel like that was more out of a dire need of a fill in. a lot of your attacks and movements have this beautiful polish to them then others don't

but, worry not, for i am in the same predicament myself so let's try to work on that together!
the goblin