Originally Posted by Blam View Post
Xbox has better and more games.

Originally Posted by buyakia View Post
I chose an Xbox 360 because it has more games then the PS3.

PS3 had the most amount of games released with the system. SO the only reason the 360 has more is because it was released first.

I own a PS3 and my friends owns a 360.
PS3 Pros:
I would say PS3s are more simple. Like you don't have to buy all these extensions to do stuff (like Having to buy a fan and live account on the 360). PS3 to me has more creative games Like: LittleBigPlanet, God Of War (4 is for PS3 only), MotorStorm, and much more. And PS3s are not knock offs of 360s they're knockoffs of PSP (same start menu)
PS3 Cons: Movie Support Only in America ;o PSN still doesn't have anything good.
Time to demolish idiotic and ignorant fanboy comments, starting with DP.

Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
if you like rpgs, ps3 is not for you.
Eh? How so? There are barely any exclusive (if any) RPG's, and the ones that exist are for PS3.

the only franchises on the ps3 that I like are mgs and resistance.
Both amazing. There's also MotorStorm, LittleBigPlanet, and many others. And what's on 360? Halo 3, which has a rather crappy storyline and half-decent online, and GOW, which is just pretty good for the first three hours

I could care less about blue ray, and I would rather not spend like 400 dollars on a system that does everything the 360 does (besides blueray o-course!)

Blu-ray by itself increases the value of the PS3 to higher then the 360. In addition, the PS3 can be used as an internet browser (Yeah, a free-play internet browser, not just the XBLA :P), you can get to the PS Store, store music, download and store videos, use any streaming programs (That includes Netflix), and... yeah, that's scratching the surface. I could really get into depth with some of these.

I love talking to kids online, and you have to buy a head set separately for the ps3.

And? It's pretty dang cheap. You DON'T have to buy a headset for 360?

360's daily updates, include giving you fun little movies about games coming out, and there all streamed to the xbox for free. I love to wake up and find new comics or news or demos.

[b]Uhm, yeah, pretty much the same thing with the PS3. Only better :P You get free demos imported along with videos & trailers.[/b[

360s got a chat program where you can talk to like 10 friends in one party.

...Ahahahahah! PS3 has a chat program that allows you to talk to any of your friends online. You can put up an infinite amount of people into one party due to a private hosting system that can freely be used by the PS3.

360s got netflix, which is the best thing ever! like 10 bux a month for every movie you can find at a store, and they take 2 mins to be ready to watch.[b]Yeah, like mentioned before, you can get Netflix with PS3 as well.

Moving on!

Originally Posted by B4sShuNt3R View Post
Ps3 is bugy

Xbox360 ftw <3

Fanboyism. PS3 is "buggy", and by the way, it's not. Care to explain how? What's that? You can't because you just wanted to give some crappy comment about the 360? It's alright. I understand. If anything, the PS3 is more reliable then the 360 which has a deadly tendency to crash frequently.

Originally Posted by iMOD3RN15 View Post
well i have both but i admit 360 blows ps3 out of the water

Explain more? I've had both, and I have to admit the opposite.

Originally Posted by iMOD3RN15 View Post
it came out years earlier

Sorry, they both came out within months of each other :P

Originally Posted by iMOD3RN15 View Post
and has way better games

Hahah, I hear this misguided fact so many times from 360 fanboys. Here you go: About 99% of games available are playable on both consoles, and the PS3 has WAY better exclusives. 360 exclusives? Halo 3 and GoW (Halo is repetitive online, and has a crappy storyline, and GoW is fun for about 3 hours) PS3 exclusives? Should I really start naming all of them? For simple starters, Resistance 2, Motor Storm 2, and LBP.

Originally Posted by iMOD3RN15 View Post
and teh xbox live is soooo much better ive had it for about 5 years now

Explain how. Eh? Oh yeah, it's not. You get achievements, which you can't do anything with anyways, and the social community is bigger because it's been around for longer. Whoop-de-doo.

Originally Posted by iMOD3RN15 View Post
anyway um teh 360 has a bluray exension

Which ends up costing more then a standard PS3, what a fail.

Originally Posted by iMOD3RN15 View Post
so its all good and who the (bleep) notices that thier movie has less details then the other time they watched it who cares XP anyway i say 360 is way better and ORIGINAL

Original? Exactly how? It's not. That's why. Blu-Ray is also becoming a standardized format. It's replacing DVD formats the same way DVD formats replaced VHS tapes. And the graphics details are very visible.

So in short: The PS3 is superior to the 360 in everything but community size, sorry to say.

All done destroying the arguments of the guys trying to feed him BS! ^^ Oh, and I don't mean to be offensive, I just get kind of argumentative when people flat out lie to try and make something seem good.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
The the PS3 still is pretty expensive, you can't ignore that.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
ahhh debates and long posts >.<

anyways i've never used a ps3 so i don't know how good it is compared to the 360

but from the screenshots i've seen from ps3 games the graphics are pretty much same compared to 360 (if i can't spot a difference then it's not a big deal)

blah blah blah xbox live blah blah ps3 free blah larger community blah blah free

now for cost: when i saw the price for ps3 i was like shiiiit, it costs roughly a hundred more dollars for a ps3 than the 360, i don't ever use blu-ray so that i really don't care about. So for me, it's just about same as an xbox except for the 100 bucks.

as for xbox live costs, 100 bucks equals to two years of xbox live, so yeaah, ps3 is better for the long run but for the first two years the xbox is more cost efficient.

games: well you know lots of the good games aren't exclusives and personally i think those are the games we really play (or at least for my friends idk about everyone else =P)
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
It must be really different here... I can get an xbox 360, a couple of games, a wireless adaptor, a live subscription for a few years, a controller or two and it'll still be cheaper than the ps3.

(xbox 360 = ~$350 here (With no games/controls etc) ps3 = ~$850 (no games controls etc)
ps3 prices are like 450 now

i think, thats what i found online
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
YA (bleep)ING RIGHT.

btw I love the ps3 and I wish I had one, I just don't wanna spend that money and I don't like allot of the games.

and jdawg I was kidding, and I can agree there both pretty damn good.

Alright, just making sure.

Can someone just close this thread? All the points of arguments have been already made, and now people are just starting to bitch and moan and yell at each other and disagree.
Since when did I become Asian?
actually the computer rapes them all.
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
oh and btw psp rapes them all.

sucks, screen scratches and breaks way too easily
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around