Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I know right, reading this thread I feel like it's insulting to people who actually work hard.

Beatboxing? Parkour? Singing? Playing guitar? Come one, just put in some effort.

The thread says "If you could have one natural talent that you don't already have, what would it be?". I think (making it clear that it's just my opinion) if you need to work hard to acquire a skill, is striving to improve that and have many difficulties, you don't have a "natural talent". Not the same thing. Having natural talent means that the person has a lot more ease in performing such a task, than the others. For example, I practice a lot on the guitar, very much, and I know a dude that in the firsts contacts with the instrument, knew exactly what to do and all that he did sounded good, I recognize that he has a natural talent, I don't.
Last edited by Ranzig; Oct 12, 2013 at 12:41 AM.
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
E.g Singing, Running, Fighting, Beatboxing, Swimming etc

I would definitely have to go with singing. I love to sing, but my voice sounds like I'm strangling a goose.

You're singing wrong. I never used to sing and I thought my voice sounded like shit, but when I started experimenting I found my voice kinda, though my vocals aren't powerful they sound alright when I hit lows and vibratos. It only sounds good when I rap, but that's more talking with an inflection.

I can also play pretty well every instrument. It's not a talent it's common sense if you already know how to play an instrument and have remembered notes and a bit of theory. Watch him play on his own instrument, He'll be able to take his knowledge from the instrument he plays and apply it to something else, unless he's never played an instrument before, then that's impressive, but I'm quite sure he has and has a good grasp on the topic, even if he can't explain it. His fingers and subconscious will.

I've never seen anyone with that natural talent without some prior knowledge about it before, which helps a lot.
Last edited by T0ribush; Oct 12, 2013 at 01:18 AM.
If i hadn't already gone through the pain of trying to buff up my artsy fartsy skills, i'd definitely go for natural art skills.

But, since i have gone through that pain and am still working on it, i would dearly love it if i could suddenly get some musicality into my body (more specifically, digital composing). Beginning from scratch on something completely new is a DAUNTING ordeal, especially when you're like me and not talented at it at all. I think i have a good sense of rhythm, but composing? Nope. I'll spare you the pain of my initial attempts. So i'd like a natural talent for composing music.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Facade View Post
firing laser beams

obviously a natural ability

Lazer EYE beams is better
Originally Posted by Ranzig View Post
The thread says "If you could have one natural talent that you don't already have, what would it be?". I think (making it clear that it's just my opinion) if you need to work hard to acquire a skill, is striving to improve that and have many difficulties, you don't have a "natural talent". Not the same thing. Having natural talent means that the person has a lot more ease in performing such a task, than the others. For example, I practice a lot on the guitar, very much, and I know a dude that in the firsts contacts with the instrument, knew exactly what to do and all that he did sounded good, I recognize that he has a natural talent, I don't.

There's no such thing as being born able to play instruments. Obviously whatever experiences he had beforehand helped him a lot. And if people really wanted these "talents" then they could just go acquire them with experience.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff