5. Free running... Again.
6. The Power of Chuck Norris
7. Unexpected
8. Ima zombie

I think we'll be having these.
Clan Blood Leader
Naah, my plan wasn't to use the challenges in that order what I put them as in the list.
But well, I forgot to tell Hopea what would be the first challenges... But it doesn't really matter, anyways.

But imho the second free run shouldn't be made immediately after the first one. How about if it was added to the last set of challenges?

So, the next ones should be anything except 5.
Or well, anyone who makes the next thread (Hopea?) shall decide. This is just my opinion.
It's just that anyone clever enough might just pop in here and look what will be next...

Anyways, I hope that the next week will have more participants. I was highly disappointed to see that there barely was any participants during this week...
^So basically I get to pick any of these? Jay.
And I also hope there will be more participants, has anyone even tried the second challenge yet btw?
Clan Blood Leader
Originally Posted by EverBlade2 View Post
I've attempted it, but it's harder to make a funny replay then you think...

Ofc it is. It's a challenge after all =D.
Clan Blood Leader
Originally Posted by Hopea View Post
^So basically I get to pick any of these? Jay.
And I also hope there will be more participants, has anyone even tried the second challenge yet btw?

I have made one for 2nd challenge and now there's also someone else. So 2 contestants there.
If we don't get an increase in participation we are propably ending the whole event after week 2.
Clan Blood Leader