Originally Posted by Tamashii View Post
Oh, had no idea... Well it was worth a try... I'm out of here.

I'm more of a software man, what the hell do I know of performance D=

You should learn about performance though cuz after hardware the performance depends on the configuration of software.
:(){ :|: & };:
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
I'm surprised people still waste their time buying Alienware. For 1 Alienware computer, you can build 3 for the same price.

Marketing? $500+ just to get the brand name Alienware on your computer? K.

Most don't have the time or knowledge? It takes about 20-30 minutes to go on youtube and figure out how to build any system they want. I didn't know shit about computers a few months ago, I started talking to a few people about it, watched youtube videos about builds, etc., and now I feel like I know everything there is to know.

Even if someone doesn't feel safe building their own, there is always things like iBuyPower or CyberPower that will put together a computer for you the way you want and ship it to you for way cheaper than Alienware. Even if THAT isn't enough, they have pre-made PCs on their website that are STILL cheaper than any Alienware.

Simple as this - Alienware is total shit, never buy from them. Oh, and did you notice on that "Random" link you posted, the #1 Asus was cheaper than the #2 Alienware? Just an example.

Either way, I'm done talking about it, if you want to be stupid and buy Alienware, be my guest and waste an extra $1000.

Kris: Yeah, sorry. I posted in the in-activity thread. Is everything fixed now btw?

Not as bad as a Mac.
Originally Posted by LWafflez View Post
Not as bad as a Mac.

Would you mind citing and giving reasons for this?

If you're used to a Windows computer, of course Macs are going to seem inferior, because you don't know how the same things are done. This works in vice versa.
Everything works perfectly now.
Thanks for helping me out.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Originally Posted by Kristis133 View Post
Everything works perfectly now.
Thanks for helping me out.

Good to know. Now, close this thread before it starts a war.


Welp, my graphic thingy has adjustments of some kind. Check for somthing like that and swap settings to max. All I can currently think of.
Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
Would you mind citing and giving reasons for this?

If you're used to a Windows computer, of course Macs are going to seem inferior, because you don't know how the same things are done. This works in vice versa.

Actually, I've owned several macs due to school, and my dad used to have an expensive one.

Even the expensive ones are not worth it, and that's from personal experience. I'd much rather prefer a Windows 7 PC, even XP. Macs are actually not that bad, but they aren't made for gaming, etc. This is the reason people don't like them.

Tekro: Don't be sad that I shut you down. It's your fault for backing up Alienware. Ignorant? Tell me something that is worth reading please.
For someone that doesn't use computers for gaming, Macs aren't that bad.

Now, I'm closing this thread.

Faint, Tekro: You can disagree, but don't get hostile. I don't want to see you flaming each other.