Go with what your friends have. As what ive seen of what you like, you seem like a ps3 person.

I own a 360 and love it, it has great online, etc, my friend has a ps3 and for what ive seen its very good.

First thing to do is really talk to your friends first and see what games they play and what console. If you like the console, buy it, if not, dont buy it. You dont want to get in the situation were all your friends have another console.
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all my friends have both it seems. I can't talk to them during the summer cause i live in another city than they do.But the dominant ones have ps3 i think but then theres my other friends who have xbox's :/. Damn you decisions
Last edited by PinkwafflesFTW; Jul 21, 2011 at 05:08 AM.
Originally Posted by PinkwafflesFTW View Post
please speak english next time

"Make you rents (parents) get them both. Buy them on ebay or something.

not that hard to understand
Originally Posted by PinkwafflesFTW View Post
please speak english next time

It was English, he just typed it lazily.
I believe what he tried to say was "Make your parents buy you both, buy them off eBay or something." not sure if that's what he was trying to say, but it sure sounded like it.
what am i doing here
I have friends with xbox and such but from what ive seen from e3, there are many ps3 exclusive games coming.
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Well the ps3 is the better one for me.It has the blueray player and its remotes are pretty normal.However,If you like Halo than get a Xbox360.