Originally Posted by Eloquence View Post
My girlfriend said the same thing.

I'll try not too. Gonna be dogsledding, hiking, canoeing, and cross country skiing in Minnesota for one and a half months.

Break a le... oh wait, er....


/me canoes away.

Bring back some fish. I hear one-legged pirates like seafood.
Originally Posted by Zoro View Post
I'm heading out on a ~10 day trip. I'll be back in the middle of next week (I'm still here today!)

I have internet access on my phone, and I'll probably check things.

Gamemaster -- Need help? Click here!
I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
Sorry guys, work is insane lately. Hardly have time to breathe, I'll post when I can but pl0x don't b& me.

Originally Posted by Naaier View Post
Sorry guys, work is insane lately. Hardly have time to breathe, I'll post when I can but pl0x don't b& me.


Don't work too hard man, hope things calm down soon.
I'll try to make LK stay his hand, no promises.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
I'll be inactive this weekend, I am studying for Finals!
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid