Re: The League: First match this weekend!
Good on your Dad for attempting to show you the value of life outside the internets. Join a sports team or something, that'll keep him happy and he'l let you back on the PC.

Also, this week's fixtures are up. If you guys don't make it this week you're out, Zaarock showing up was the only thing that convinced me you guys deserved another chance.

You got more notice this week at least.
Re: The League: First match this weekend!

I like being outside, my mom just never lets me go anywhere or do anything. I live surrounded by old persons.


I get home at 3:00 PM. I can't go hang out, because "I have to do homework first" (which i understand) and by the time I'm done, it might be about 4:30, and then I can't go hang out with anyone because "I'm going to eat dinner in about 1.5 hours" so I have to wait at home.. and then I'll finish dinner in about 5 minutes and "can't go hang out because it's "late""... It's a horrible conspiracy.
Re: The League: First match this weekend!
I am going to be gone all of next week including this weekend doing stuff in thailand. I leave early saturday morning. It is up to you guys to figure out a team. Please try to show up and get a team together because that would suxors if we got kicked out of the league for not being there. So far the team looks like so..

It is up to you guys to figure out the rest of the team. Once everyone has come to an agreement of who will play just send the list to Ian.
Re: The League: First match this weekend!
I can play too.

And in the ...-topic, Abbadon did a reply where he says that he can play against Bouncy if we wants, and we do ;)
Re: The League: First match this weekend!
I think CP comes back the day I leave so he might be here. Any how if he is not here I nominate Zaarock and Esse to be leaders of the clan untill we are back as you guys are the most active members here. It might only be for a couple of hours or days untill CP gets back but the responsibility is on you guys (if you are up to it) to try to organize a team. Also test out PhiPsi or PsiPhi or whatever his name is. He has expressed intrest in joining. If you think he is [Torigod] Material meaning that he is kick ass good then you guys can either let him join or wait untill CP gets back and have him test PhiPsi.
Re: The League: First match this weekend!
PsiPhi ;)

And I'll be out for some of Saturday.. I may or may not be able to play in the league because of it. Do we know when the match is yet?
Re: The League: First match this weekend!
Read the league subforum, everything is there.

Also you guys have just under 2 days to get your teamsheet for this week in.
Re: The League: First match this weekend!
The ones we knows can play so far is:

Esse (me)
Zaarock (at least I think so, due he's a leader now)
InfernoX (because Patrick wrote this : So far the team looks like so..InfernoX)