I lost faith in the board when the replays got all shitty. Not all of them, there have probably been a ton of good ones while I was away, but the amount of noobish stiff and slow replays skyrocketed at a time.

Having to write the same "this basically sucks but I don't want to kill your creativity by being too harsh" comment over and over again fatigued me out. Thinking back, a stencil should've done the job, since the problem really was noobies not checking what the competition was before posting.

That said, neither did I. I remember fighting for my horrible madmans, because, as said, I didn't know where the bar was. In part, that's because of some of the commenters who, instead of telling noobs how bad they really are, they just compliment them, hopefully meaning to keep them motivated instead of purposefully causing what it's doing, eg. shitification of the replays (then-the game) board.

Originally Posted by deady View Post
Meamme0 actually brings a good point imo though. I remember a while back there was a rule in place that said you had to go into some amount of detail when commenting, because posts of "ZOMG awesome!!" dont really do anything. But even then, I used to comment the hell out of replays (I even wrote like 3 pages on shooks replays) but anymore I just cba to do it because it takes a lot of time and work. And as far as I know Archlups stopped doing it in part because his replays weren't commented in a similar way.

to be exact, I lost inspiration, partially because of that, partially I just simply ran out of ideas. the thing is, I would've gotten ideas from the comments. And even though I'm not one of the best replay makers, I still kept my interest in TB going by making replays of my own and getting comments for them. You were right, you were just missing a step.

that, and I got lazy. Instead of completely lethargically lazy like some seem to be, my laziness is just one attribute in a triangle like the relation of the pressure, temperature and volume of gases. The remaining ones are available time and how much fun I consider what I'm doing to be. The laziness is a constant (I'm usually in NTP laziness conditions), though, and both the other attributes decreased.

If the replays board consisted of only the good (ones that can be considered enjoyable) and great (ones that are enjoyable and in which you have to look for flaws to find them) replays, I'd happily rate the whole first page like I used to do, if I had the time, that is.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Well, maybe you should keep your thoughts to yourself unless they contribute to the post, jerk.
EDIT: @Crooked, not archlurps
[T] ~~~~~> [Tigma] <~~~~~ [Sigma]
You should totally join my fanclub.
Originally Posted by Archlurps View Post

If the replays board consisted of only the good (ones that can be considered enjoyable) and great (ones that are enjoyable and in which you have to look for flaws to find them) replays, I'd happily rate the whole first page like I used to do, if I had the time, that is.

I agree, but also, you yourself that when you were new you posted there and the comments kept you going. When I first started posting, I got alot of great advice from people (you included ), so to take the focus and shift it to just the people who probably know they are good anyways would take away from a pretty important function of the replays board, that is keeping new people encouraged to try and do better.

Originally Posted by HiVoltage View Post
Well, maybe you should keep your thoughts to yourself unless they contribute to the post, jerk.

There is some saying about pots and kettles that come to mind, where one comments on the others color even though they are both the same...:P seriously though, just ignore people if they bother you.

I really hope this new thing doesn't happen, for the reason stated above. If "good" replays makers really need a special place just for them to have their egos stroked, start an org...oh wait, there is one already and it serves a much better purpose than just making people feel awesome.
Last edited by deady; Jan 3, 2010 at 03:29 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Maybe you should post replays for other's veiwing pleasure and not for your own goal of being showered with praise and positive critisism. I personally go to the replay board to view replays. I might view 50 a day and only make 6 constructive commments.

"Why?", you ask...
Its because unless the replay is outstanding or unusual, I won't comment on it. If I am interested in it, or I have edited it, then I will surely post a comment. But, I'm not going to post about a run of the mill madman or boom hit replay. They're too common and once you've seen one, you've sorta seen them all.


Make a replay that is outstanding or unusual. You will have comments posted in your thread if you do so. Madmans and Boom hits are not unusual. They have become common.


I'm tired of people saying "The world doesn't revolve around you."

That is, if I see anymore, I will BAN you

No warning, no infraction. Just a nice 1 day ban to go with your useless flaming.


Anyways, for the most part people seem to agree with my suggestion. I'll be looking into implementations now.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Okay at the risk of not contributing something usefull here ( but trying ), In my view "most" people here want a tap on the shoulders with the words "that was awesome"
I know it sounds ridiculous in a way, but i think that is the awfull truth, people see a good or just epic replay but dont feel like commenting at all because giving a pat on the shoulders does not feel as good as receiving one.
Also there are tons of replays that are no longer origenal or even created with own style, they are sort of copied of the greatest replaymakers
Thats why more and more boomhits, and madmans are created people see them and start to understand how they work and copy turns/twists/rotations/grab points.

Next to this issue there are also other replaymakers being hyped while there replays arent that more epic then most replays created by high skilled replay makers ( thats just my opinion maybe ). Of what i saw during my time on toribash its mostly about connections and status, if enough people cry out your name and spread the word, more people will notice when you have post something and will be drawn by it. If your fame/status is good, people will be more willing to post about your replays with meaningfull posts then when you dont have that status/fame. ( questionable as their motives may be ) Maybe to lift on your fame and get closer to things that seem like they matter more. Im not really sure it this is a pessimistic or realistic view.
Its just like with a white belt immediately trying to become "friends" with a 10th dan, these things happen every minute on toribash :P, and i think on every level.

Well i dont know if any of this even helped you a little, could only help with making things a little clearer, not really with a solution.

Anyway putting the ego-aspect asside i still see a good point in what you say.

( of topic, but still sort of on )
i saw your replay in the moneyshot contest and i was surprised you werent in the first 3, as was i surprised at those who were chosen to win. Lately i rather find myself feeling weird about results in replay competitions, but hey, you cant ask questions if you didnt win it will just seem as you are being a poor loser :P, dont know how you felt about the moneyshot competition though
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
I motion to advance the new sticky at the top of the replays board. (At least, it's around the top.)
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by Archlurps View Post
I lost faith in the board when the replays got all shitty. Not all of them, there have probably been a ton of good ones while I was away, but the amount of noobish stiff and slow replays skyrocketed at a time.

I remember the first time I posted a replay thread. You didn't just give your opinion, you gave advice. I took it on board, and I wish I'd thanked you, but I didn't.

I'm also in favour of the sticky thing.
<lumpysolo> ermergerd it's jalis <lumpysolo> love u too jalis <3
<jalis> you are worthless <jalis> ignored for my sanity
suo, making only a select few members' threads sticky could basically make the situation worse.
It could mean that people will only look in the sticky threads, so that they only find the best replays, meaning that the vast majority of replays, ie, the ones made by the "lesser members" will not be viewed, and their poor fragile spirits will break, as shown in the OP.
(not saying that you are a "lesser member" mr voltage, I mean that you were an excellent example of bawwing spirit breaking)
In addition, it is likely to make certain people even more quite arrogant, which could get irritating.

Simply put: why increase the already quite large social gap between the elite replay makers and the rest of the toribash community?

Oh, I just had a thought, is this going to work similarly to the clan system? Like, will there be official replay makers, much like there are official clans?
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Good points.

Further in-level competitions could lessen the stagnation, by allowing non-elites to achieve the position pretty succinctly. Also taking into account the assholeism involved, losing the spot is rather dissimilar to getting terrible television ratings. If you can't go without being called an elitist asshole, we reserve the right to kill the thread. (Actually, we reserve that right anyways.) Also, anyone who gets banned could lose said privileges as well, I'd imagine.

The reason for this separation is to promote competition, which promotes growth. If you have a different suggestion on how to work it, be my guest.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!