Originally Posted by Shin-Ryuu View Post
Capoeria: Dark Green Cord
Kickboxing: 2 years for fun without testing for any belt
Taek kwon Do: Blackbelt

Capoeria nice? I'm attempting to gain a few fighting skills so next time I can fight my way out of being 250$ in debt :V
Capoeira's purely for evading.
Do Krav Maga for attacking. For those of you unlearned in martial arts stuff, Krav Maga is the style Jason Bourne uses in the movies. I have a style too. It's called "hit them as hard as you can in the neck".

Works fine.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
Originally Posted by Mister616 View Post
Capoeira's purely for evading.
Do Krav Maga for attacking. For those of you unlearned in martial arts stuff, Krav Maga is the style Jason Bourne uses in the movies. I have a style too. It's called "hit them as hard as you can in the neck".

Works fine.

U can kill somebody doing this...also works if somebody want to kill you...>.> also a nut kick (punch) is always good
Centuries Of Damn
When you're in a fight, your life's always in danger. Neck hits will cause serious damage, but unless you want your own body damaged badly, end a fight quickly.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
Doing full contact jujitsu, half year only, though.

There's a dan2 karate black belt with us, studying(kinda funy, being yellow belt and having my arse whoped by a white belt(2dan black). And I can say surely while karate might look a bit one sided it makes up for it's flaws in time. I mean the guy sweaps me while barely moving at all in a "standing fight"(we got ground fight as well).

But nevermind that. A week a go we had a seminar with goshin jujitsu instructor from England, a very brutal and effective style, for a street fight, which involesves even bitting someone's neck if you have to. Point is, there are different styles with it's strong and weak points. Brasilian ju jitsu is good if you want to brake free and escape from a street fight against several oponents, while some other might emphsise on striking as well as throws and others might emphisise on self-defence.

Believe it or not, TDK can be quite good, actually, if you use it right. A friend of mine is my ex-P.E. teacher, who's also a TDK blackbelt\cop. He says that if you don't show off, than a kick in the face or a low kick can be quite powerfull tools(he's a ukrainian cop, it's ok for them lol).
Atm I'm doing Taekwondo (white belt) Bjj (white belt) and MMA

Well, TKD ain't only high kicks and flashy acrobatics.
Tough it might seems to be like that because kicking below waist line is not allowed in a TKD match. And Kicks to the head score you most so they are quite dominant. But in the other hand there are also some more practical self-defence moves. Tough both Taekwondo and Brasilian-jujitsu are more like a sport than a self-defence systems.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
Tough both Taekwondo and Brasilian-jujitsu are more like a sport than a self-defence systems.

That depends...The main problem with those two is that most of places train you for competitions and ring fights, instead of concentrating on self defence techniques which both TDK and BJJ has plenty. BTW, I did half year TDK taining long time ago
Taekwondo here.
Red belt
I don't know if you already know, but: White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, Black ^^
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home