I was on a school trip and we went on a 6 hour hike up Mt Warning (Australia). We split into two groups, one faster than the other, and I was in the slower one on the way up. A thunderstorm struck, so we ended up going back down when we were only several hundred metre from the top.

I got bored of the slow group and I wanted to catch up with the fast group. So basically, I was in the middle of the two groups by myself. I then somehow find it a good idea to try taking a shortcut, and I end up being lost. It was freezing, and ironically I gave my jacket to a friend of mine (caff) who had a fear of height, so there I am, in the middle of a huge mountain, in short sleeves. So I spent the night alone, and it was pouring rain, and I got 13 leeches.

I was very stupid and I ended up walking around in the morning (Apparently Mt Warning is the first place in Australia to see the sun, so apparently I was the first guy ever on that day) and 23 hours later, they found me on a SEPERATE MOUNTAIN, not quite as big, but quite some distance from where I got myself lost. They had a search party and 2 choppers, and they eventually found me and they flew me out to the nearest hospital (Coolangata).