Originally Posted by jhucks2235 View Post

you must have no life to reach that kind of WOW experience <.<
you shouldn't have read that
Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
Wow, don't you feel accomplished now, jhucks? You have very strong virtual characters. Maybe you should go back to first grade, though, to learn how to count. You skipped from three to five when listing your reasons for WoW being good.

I would consider at least half of the players in WoW addicted. As in, they will play every day unless physically incapacitated and blow off some responsibilities just so they can grind some more.

WoW is old. In its time, it was a great game, back when Blizzard was still young. Now? Blizzard can make as many expansions as they want, but the golden age of WoW has been over and will never start again. It's way overrated.

Originally Posted by nogginbash View Post
you must have no life to reach that kind of WOW experience <.<

really? hmmmm i must've been counting other reasons in my headat that time. Oh well :] an also its first grade though, not first grade, though,

and just cuz you suck at wow dont mea you hve to diss it young man :]
e your probaby older than me though :}

and noggin naahh im jsut that good :P and didnt i say dont diss the lock nubs?

and alot of help works from trustworthy guild members ;)
Last edited by jhucks2235; May 10, 2009 at 12:56 AM.
Reasons why WoW sucks donkey balls

1. Waste of money
2. Practically the same as any other rpg. (any other FREE rpg)
3. Gets you bored quickly
4. Phails
[T] | ORMO
[20:18] <@Cevius> Like semen?
WoW is fun imo.
But you need a high level and And Alot of patience to enjoy the fun content.

No one rarely does level 60/70 raids anymore sicne WotLK, you gotta get lucky with friends and guilds to get a raid going.

But It's fun in the end.
And the Expansions are useless untl you hit the the level cap for the on you currently have or unless you want a pally on the Horde side (belf) Or a shammy on the ally side (Draenii)

Also, think about this...
If you say level 80 means you have no life, think about this,
WoW was original released in 03-04. The max level is level 60.
BC is was realeased in 06. 2 years is definatly enough to get to level 60.
WotLK was released In Nov of 08, 2 years is still enough to get to 70.
Its been half of a year, and 70 - 80 in WoW is not hard at all.

But think of it this way, People that waste their day's on TB, forums, IRC, or in - game arent really that different from people that spend their days on WoW stuff.

Note to Community : I Dont waste 10 hrs on WoW.
Last edited by 2worlds; May 10, 2009 at 08:19 PM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
WoW is extremely addicitive. I know so many people that keep playing just to get to the next level, or just to get the next best item even though they really dont want to, they feel they have to.

WoW really should be free to play, not $15 a month, there are so many free servers anyway, and blizzard offers a free download of the WoW client off of their website if you have ever made an account there. It is basically a free game.
In my opinion, wow is most fun when played with friends because it feels more like a sociable experience as opposed to just grinding on your own =/

And yeah it's addictive etc etc
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
So you want to deny Blizzard money to, say, make the next expansion, Khaos. >.>

So yeah, I have an 80 DK. And an 80 drood. And I almost have enough Emblems of Heroism to buy another awesome 'Binds to Account' item, so I can level a warrior.

I don't find the game addicting. Toribash was more addicting that WoW for me. And Oblivion was more addicting than Toribash. Et cetera.

Anyway, WoW is also better than most 'FREEEeEeEeeEeeEE' mmorpegers out there. The reason I put so much e-sarcasm on the 'free' is the fact that WoW comes right out and tells you that it'll cost money. Maplestory, for example. I tried it once...Tbh, I hated it. People who had really good gear and shit always frolicked around the beginning areas, so I was able to sigh at the fact that if I kept playing, I'd be like those people. Ofc, WoW's like this too sometimes, but that's not the thing that really made me want to drive a stake through the creator of Maplestory. It's the fact that they hide little things that you have to pay for throughout the game. >.>

But I digress.

$15 a month isn't that bad at all. Hell, Toribash has monthly promos that cost money too...

Plus, it's called a job, people. You get money from it. You can use the money to pay for WoW. Foreign concept, I know. >.>

Plus, WoW's 3-d, unlike Maplestory...

I'm sure that WoW has many more things that are better than other mmorpegers, but I don't want to go into too much detail. I'm lazy.

That is all. :3
Last edited by rittu; May 12, 2009 at 04:20 AM.
Was good when it started and PvP was actual PvP. I quit after I realized how bad The Burning Crusade was D:
BC was better than wotlk i think, the raids were more original and so were the equipment. Technically the new tier armor is just the previous with better stats and its recolord and the maybe made one small physical change to it and added flames or something. Overall i think that bc was the best expansion yet. And, the only plus to wotlk was lvel cap, dk, and new areas, the rest is minor stuff that i could.....more likely want to live without. So, if yo think wow is "phail" or "addictve" honestly have never experienced the true beauty of Wow or the expansions as well as the plain old p2p rpgness of the game.....the 15$ is nothing compared to how fun this game is. And, trust me it's not addictive i qit it before, but after 2 months or so i went crawling back on my knees crying for my warlock to take me back.
[QUOTE=jhucks2235;1302830]BC was better than wotlk i think, the raids were more original and so were the equipmentQUOTE]

True.. i played wow till they made the wotlk expansion pack.. i dont like it.. and for players that want cool lvl 60 gear like t3 or lvl 70 t6/swp gear.. its even harder to get it now.. cause now ppl only raid into wotlk instances and i dont think wotlk made wow better.. i think it just made it worst. Well maybe wow is more fun when you play it with real life friends.. i never tried to play with rl friends cause they were like.. WoW sux dude.. lets play trickster (trickster sux imo). So i would restart playing if they removed wotlk, quite impossible amirite? Oh.. and i didnt even refer the shitty class that death knight is.. and its kinda unfair cause u start at lvl 55 when other guys start at lvl 1, k.. u need to have 1 lvl 55 char already in order to make a death knight but.. then what? make a new char and power lvl it to 55 so you can has the death knight? and then u can see how shitty it is?

Now about that addictive shit thing.. thats fake.. i had 2 lvl 70 chars and i wasnt addicted..

WoW was a great game.. its sad that it got so bad now.. i even prefer trickster :O

Well.. just 1 more thing.. if ur minor and ur parents say: so.. you want to use our credit card to play a game? WTF? NO WAY SON.
Just try a private server for free and if u like it.. buy 60-day play cards from game stores and tell ur parents that it is a game. or buy them seekritly like i did.

Imo WoW was like a 9.5/10 now is a 4/10