Im Australian, so yeah to me its a bad idea. I think the US is in debt enough, stop your spending and how about start earning before doing something this big? there's a lot more to the picture.
Originally Posted by Nickone View Post
Im Australian, so yeah to me its a bad idea. I think the US is in debt enough, stop your spending and how about start earning before doing something this big? there's a lot more to the picture.

If you had actually paid attention to the video, it outlines how this can be good for the US economy. Yes, it's an expensive project, but it eliminates a ton of unnecessary things such as telephone poles, snow removal, and constant road maintenance. All of these things that currently use up tax money can then be diverted into other areas of the economy, or furthering the project itself.

No, it's not a perfect plan, and a few more details need to be ironed out, but if this is all implemented correctly, it will change pretty much everything.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
It's a pretty good idea but if you look at it on the long run, you will see possibilities of tons of flaws and problems. It still needs work.
In our financial state this just seems like the US government raising money for a phony hoax they'll scrap at last minute just so they can spend more and put themselves in more debt, I understand its supposed to boost the economy but you can't push something that's already fallen off the cliff, Once America sorts out its money problem, than maybe they'll have support from every country for something like this. But the state its in now, Hell yeah Rich people benefit while the poor don't thanks to the US Government... Again. And you ask how? because this rich people will be blasted all over the media for donating a bank full of cash, while the people that supported it but couldn't spare much because of uhh Bills And Life. Are left feeling like they're contribution went unnoticed i just think It's wrong to do..

Also im adding this into it again, i don't think these hexagons will be able to hold a massive wreck. Wow it can hold a tractor. Omg, Tractors don't go over 150kh's and smash and flip and spark and throw shit everywhere, they don't crash, they can't too slow. and even if they use bulletproof glass, one hectic crash.. And a whole bunch of hexagons could be fucked. Plain n simple.
Originally Posted by Nickone View Post
In our financial state this just seems like the US government raising money for a phony hoax they'll scrap at last minute just so they can spend more and put themselves in more debt. I understand it's supposed to boost the economy but you can't push something that's already fallen off the cliff, Once America sorts out its money problem, then maybe they'll have support from every country for something like this. But the state it's in now, hell yeah rich people benefit while the poor don't thanks to the US Government... Again. And you ask how? because these rich people will be blasted all over the media for donating a bank full of cash, while the people that supported it but couldn't spare much because of uhh bills and life are left feeling like their contribution went unnoticed. I just think It's wrong to do..

Also im adding this into it again, I don't think these hexagons will be able to hold a massive wreck. Wow, it can hold a tractor. Omg, Tractors don't go over 150kh's and smash and flip and spark and throw shit everywhere, they don't crash. They can't, they're too slow. And even if they use bulletproof glass, one hectic crash.. And a whole bunch of hexagons could be fucked. Plain n simple.

It helps immensely to proofread your messages. It's impossible to take someone seriously when they cannot write a coherent response.

In response to your points:
Politicians are stupid, but they're not so stupid that they will miss an opportunity to generate more cashflow and get rid of some debt and maybe even get a little spending money on the side.
The big contributions by the rich are what keep a lot of things afloat. This has been going on for ages, and I haven't heard one person complain that they didn't get in the media for contributing $10 while Bill Gates donated $1million. They understand that a large contribution is worth more attention than a small one.

I did a bit of homework. There is a scale called the Mohs Scale of Hardness. This scale is obviously used to rate the hardness of minerals and compounds, and how much stress they can withstand.
Asphalt comes in the scale at 1-2. Hardness of concrete varies by region, and can be referenced near the bottom of this page. Most, if not all roads in North America are made by pouring concrete down and then pouring a thin layer (usually an inch or less) of asphalt on top of it. It then hardens and becomes a useable roadway. If a road is cracked or becomes horribly uneven, workers will either just fill in the cracks with asphalt or lay a thin layer (about half an inch) of asphalt on top to smooth it out. Thus, asphalt ends up sustaining the brunt of force when accidents occur.
Plate glass (normal window glass) has a hardness of between 5.5 and 7, depending on the type of glass used and how it is created. Even the hardest concrete used in the US only reaches 6-7 on the scale. Thus, glass is much better to use on roadways, due to its much higher resistance to force.
Last edited by hawkesnightmare; Jun 11, 2014 at 02:24 AM.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
That video is brilliant besides the fact that neither of us will live to see the world covered with it, it makes me feel safe that my kid/s dont have to fear 2012 shit like we did xD
Lift Up Your Eyes Discouraged One...When you Feel Like Giving Up When They Say it Cant Be Done Show them why They're Wrong.