Hey guy,
I got this game today and between me and a freind we have clocked 7 hours game play and I think Im about 50-60% of the way through (I could be wrong). When You start you go through a short introduction to the gameplay as a fully upgraded alex (the main charictor) once yove done this you start a flash back series to 18 days earlier when you wake up in a morge knowing nothing of your past present or future, you quickly lurn your name and small amouts of information (EG your sisters address)

After meeting your sister and quickly picking up how to use some of your basic powers you start your quest to find out what the fuck happened. To do this you must consume key people and gain there memories. As you progress through the missions you gain point to put to skills and abilities. BLABLABLA enogh explaning what has been on the internet for about a year now

If theres one thing I realy admire about this game it would be how fluid everything is, the story is FAST pased but still manages to make alot of sence, you can be running allong the side of a wall breaking the windoews as you go, wiping a series of amazingly well animated stricks at the hundreds of enfected zombies with a dozen explotinos going off in the background and there is no lag (on my Xbox360)

The game play hasnt goten old yet because of the sheir number of ways to kill and almost every mission has somthing new to contributy. I love the freerunning It is at times a bit... strange but all you have to do is hold a triger down and the game does the rest so some probles are to be expected.

The difficulty curve its quite sharp so people getting this game may want to play through on easy first. Im playing "normal" difficulty and the main problem Im having is being RAPED by harder missions. More offturn then not the reason I fail a mission is because I try to do it the wronge way by using the wrong attacks or play styles. Long story short if your stuck your doing it wrong

I hope the game keeps this quality up untill the end of the game, will post more later
Last edited by C0XY; Jun 10, 2009 at 11:46 AM.
Warcry and I are taking turns at this game right now. It's pretty goddamn cool, all the shit you can do is nice, see: absorbing a Morgan Freeman look-alike then proceeding to run up sky-scrapers throwing more Morgan Freeman look-alikes at Helicopters. Unfortunately sounds effects aren't so great and the subtitles are reallly small, great game so far though.
lead Sigma
I picked my copy up with no preorder or anything today. :3

Onto the game. It's fucking fun. Even with all those powers, you'll be hard pressed to stay alive when there's 3 choppers after you at once, bombing you. There can be up to 500 npcs on screen with no lag, thanks to the toned down textures. Don't expect GoW graphics. The lighting is good, there's not much external building detail ( I suspect that's to help with the freerunning ), the gore detail is great, Alex's model is pretty decent and explosions are good as well. The graphics don't matter. What matters is the insanely fun gameplay. Running down a footpath at 100mp/h while holding out a taxi in front of you, bowling down hundreds of civilians, is just fantastic. You can run vertically up the Empire State building while carrying a fucking car. You constantly upgrade your powers and speed and such with points you earn from killing shit. Which are handed out like fucking candy. The game is great. It isn't the prettiest to look at, but it's like Crackdown, Spiderman and GTA on steroids. 9/10
I got it today, is hella fun. Devastator moves make you feel like god, the movement is hella fluid, and finding the location orbs is really rewarding for once ( I'm at like 40 of em :3)
<FeD> i will allow my ass being raped
Originally Posted by srrwb View Post
I got it today, is hella fun. Devastator moves make you feel like god, the movement is hella fluid, and finding the location orbs is really rewarding for once ( I'm at like 40 of em :3)

Why do I have to live in Germany >.<
I want to have it too!
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''