When you are in a debate or discussion and people come up with things you never actually said.

This picture fits pretty well for that :


Also when people think they are superior to others in a certain topics and end their arguments with "bitch pls" combined with a disrespectful view. A guy at my school does this pretty often when it comes to anime or music and he boasts around with going to an anime convention and noone gives a flying shit. I can't stand those people who always pretend to know every song or series you try to show them and just start to don't like those because you do.
Last edited by Destram; Jun 9, 2014 at 04:14 AM.
When someone can't admit that they're being biased.

The troll mentality that they should'nt be penalized for intentionally pissing someone off.

Only using links from wikipedia in an argument and not giving any input from personal experience.

Jumping in the middle of conversations/debates and only considering your own opinion as the only viable option.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
There was this one dude at school who would always flex his msucles in front of his friends talking about his gym session and shit, and how he would tell them, "I'm gonna fight this guy on (insert date here) because he's annoying." It's fucking stupid because the guys he picks fights with never really did shit to him. He's just annoyed at how they act. Like he doesn't aporove or something. And when (insert date) comes around, he never even follows through with what he said he'd do. It was all for show. Then one day a friend tells me he's "going after" me next, which actually excited me. I finally had a reason to break the fucker's nose. But as always he didn't go through with it.

So yeah... cocky people aggravate me.
Last edited by Bulletron; Jun 9, 2014 at 11:56 AM.
a spoon.
in toribash when people complain about moves saying they are unskillful/lame just because they get rekt. Which i can understand, but the key is to focus on the things you can change.

In real life, when people chew with their mouths open, drink too much, or have really bad taste in jokes. I understand that humor is subjective, but i mean when they are choosing material that is not suited for their audience.
aint nothing to it but to do it
When people say "that's the way the cookie crumbles" like it crumbles the same way everytime.

When people are sitting in their cars waiting for on coming traffic to pass. so they are looking at the cars and not at the side in which he's turning into so he hits the gas, still blankly staring at the oncoming traffic a block away as he makes his right hand turn completely unaware that a person is at the side walk observing his stupidity. What happened to look both ways and this constantly happens.

Or when poor people talking about money they came into 2 years ago and it's like 25,000 or something, but have nothing to show for it.

When old people try pushing me because they need to get off the bus even though I'm clearly getting off and will get off faster then they ever could.

Blind people who treat old people like crap because they're blind telling the 70 year olds to get up I need to sit, he's blind not immobile.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jun 12, 2014 at 08:31 PM.
people who spit on the ground every 10 seconds.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by eyxzxk View Post
Didn't expect this amount of replies, thanks, keep them coming!

He's compiling a list...He plans on annoying all of us at the same time in one big annoyocalypse.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
He's compiling a list...He plans on annoying all of us at the same time in one big annoyocalypse.

Not at all man, just curious. I think you're being sarcastic XD
Yes, he's.

I get upset when someone doesn't recognize that what she's today is a reflection of what I told her in the past. Type: "It was not you who introduced me to it, I found it all alone". I get extremely angry when it happens. Or when someone judges another person for doing something she did some time ago. People who do everything to get attention too.