yeah i will also suggest some 3 or 4 word clan name because the ones wolf suggested are really long and weird
it should be short and simple
what about....
[C1] which will stand for ''Chosen Ones''
Originally Posted by Math View Post
What about acronym, our sig would be [Acron]

That-... no. Shouldn't we have something with meaning, or at least something short? I still like the 3 names from my last post, but whatever.

Something short like [Hate], [Fear], [LOL] etc. Actually, I kind of like the idea of [LOL] I think that would attract a lot of applicants.

Wait, I just thought of one... How about [1nsane]? The "1" Could be a throwback to [one] and... oh wait, that wouldn't be fair.

Grr... Why is this difficult? lolz

Oh well, I still think we should go with [LOL], it would attract a lot of applicants and I think [LOL]Rainbowz would look cool hehe. Also it's short, catchy and looks good as a tag and I bet I could make a pretty cool banner for it.

So yeah, I vote for [LOL]
Last edited by Rainbowz; Nov 19, 2011 at 12:15 AM.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Why not make it LEL or LEWL because LOL is overused. That or Coffee-One-Combined-Kay though the abbrieviation would be C.O- nevermind.
Last edited by Rageful; Nov 19, 2011 at 12:29 AM.
Originally Posted by Rageful View Post
Why not make it LEL or LEWL because LOL is overused. That or Coffee-One-Combined-Kay though the abbrieviation would be C.O- nevermind.

And another term for "over used" is "popular", if something is used a lot it obviously works.

"LOL" is a famililiar thing for everyone and it will thus attract a lot of applicants, so yeah. I still put my vote towards [LOL]
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~