Sad news in my life.
I stayed back a year since I failed my exams.
I don't understand, I passed 7 whole subjects, but I failed my overall.
My friend passed 4 subjects, failed, but got promoted to Secondary 2[9th grade]
This may look like spam, but hey clans are kind of like families right?
I'll try better next year.
Who the bloody sig edited my fuck.
Seriously? Again?
Ehh... That really sucks; good luck next year I guess. Also, of course you can post things like this on our board if you wish. =3 It's like a general discussion board, or what's the point of a clan board?
That's fucking bullshit. Slap the cunt that failed you and appeal to the school with your parents and whatnot.
collect snots from the nose
Yeah I know right? Fucking school don't give a shit. They just say "What's there is there, deal with it".
Who the bloody sig edited my fuck.
Seriously? Again?