First place in gmtourney (I think it was gmtourney) , yersterday. ;]
Mod was abd, prizes were random items for 1st and 2nd places.

My award was Dragon Force.
~ If life is showing you the back, kick their asses ! ~
I won a gmtourney and got a raptor force and some shiai tokens.
Mod was some strange fat people fighing on a rectangular big box
Pm me for deals
Not sure if profits like these should go here, but I got Tikva's bet server and here are ze profits:
Got about 10k rake
I selfbet, DM'd my opponent and Pure bet 100k on the wrong guy, +30k
Pure selfbet 100k and I beat him, +80k
Pure selfbet 200k and I lost: -40k
and that was that! Pretty decent imo since I started at 0 tc :c
•[Wapow]••Flame••Error••Hattersin••Cheshyre••BetxOnxM e•
Anybody wants cucumbers achievement? I have 100 organic and 100 pickled. I can loan them for a day to get it.
Pm me for deals