can i have one plooz

@dash: the scout is wayyyyy better cmon double jump,speed,force of nature triple jump, and Brooklyn. how could an Aussie beat a guy from Brooklyn.
Last edited by xzavior666; May 29, 2009 at 11:17 PM. Reason: i hate dash
Originally Posted by shook View Post
*Rumbles ominously*


Freshly baked. :U
I'm not sure if i should have given him an open mouth, though...

Thanks, Mate!
Originally Posted by xzavior666 View Post
can i have one plooz

@dash: the scout is wayyyyy better cmon double jump,speed,force of nature triple jump, and Brooklyn. how could an Aussie beat a guy from Brooklyn.

Brooklyn? Bullshit. He's from BOSTON.

Voice actor: Nathan Vetterlein

Country of Origin: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Job: Rapid Recovery

Motto: "Too. Much. Caffeine."
Originally Posted by shook View Post
Ehh... When i already have 300k, 10k doesn't make that big a difference. Besides, i'm not even using them for anything sensible. =P

You should use your money to buy your self a full texture set :o

But which kind of texture type would match with your head? Thats the question.

Maybe it was a dumb idea taking this up. Go with your head and keep the 300k for something else. Like candy!
Member [o]f Incognito
Originally Posted by shook View Post
Ehh... When i already have 300k, 10k doesn't make that big a difference. Besides, i'm not even using them for anything sensible. =P

I'm jealous
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