Endurance Onslaught 6.0
<*******>lol wat tehfuck i cant find condam
<Me>Check your room.
<*******>Omg nothing!!!!!1
<*******>No..... Her boyfriend don't have a dick!!!
<Me>How do you know?
<*******>1!11!!!11 im guy not gay!
<*******>FUCK YOU ALLML!!!!
<***>Fuck u.
<***>You're gay, not guy.
<Me>Dad's room?
My fail court session.

oh well, hope you have fun. I know there are better ones in #veb-court, but i wasn't able to watch them.

[21:47] <@veb> SHUT UP
[21:47] <+Dikarika> hmmmm
[21:47] <+Dikarika> lol
[21:47] <@veb> OTR I will remove you from the court room!
[21:47] <@veb> *bang*
01[21:47] <+blcked> oshit
[21:47] <@veb> Okay
[21:47] <+Sprooj> gaveled
[21:47] <+Tinardo> hey can i speak about shoop in here? just 1 insane question
[21:47] <@veb> May the defendant rise?
06[21:47] * +blcked rides a pony
[21:47] <+Sprooj> rise, not ride
01[21:47] <+blcked> oh rise...
[21:47] <@veb> The court is in session.
[21:47] <+Homer> wait i'll be bailif
[21:47] <@veb> What is the problem?
06[21:47] * +blcked rises on a magic cortain
01[21:48] <+blcked> veb: that guy over there broke my kneecaps
06[21:48] * +Dikarika facepalms
[21:48] <@veb> Which guy?
01[21:48] <+blcked> um...
06[21:48] * +Homer looks away
01[21:48] <+blcked> *scrolls up
06[21:48] * +Homer whistles
06[21:48] * +Sprooj whispers in homers ear
[21:48] <+Homer> hoodle doo
01[21:48] <+blcked> ahh it was homer
[21:48] <+Sprooj> we got this one
[21:48] <@veb> ORDER IN MY COURT ROOM.
[21:48] <+Homer> Fuck off
[21:48] <+Homer> wasn't me
[21:48] <@veb> ORDER IN MY COURT ROOM.
[21:48] <@veb> ORDER IN MY COURT ROOM.
[21:48] <+Homer> sorry
[21:48] <@veb> Or you shall be removed.
01[21:48] <+blcked> you want proof?
01[21:48] <+blcked> * +Homer breaks blcked's kneecaps
01[21:48] <+blcked> **
01[21:48] <+blcked> ^^
01[21:49] <+blcked> thats prooj
[21:49] <+Sprooj> Homer: shhh, I will get you off the hook
01[21:49] <+blcked> *proof
[21:49] <+Homer> I'm clearly the bailif
[21:49] <@veb> Now, do you have legal counsel Homer ?
01[21:49] <+blcked> of course not
01[21:49] <+blcked> oh
06[21:49] * +Homer cowers
[21:49] <+robo-mohawk> OBJECTION
01[21:49] <+blcked> sorry
03[21:49] * veb sets mode: +b *!*uke@*.direcpc.com
[21:49] <+Sprooj> veb: I represent Homer in this case
[21:49] <@veb> Okay
[21:49] <@veb> Does your client plead guilty or not guilty
[21:49] <+Tinardo> how do i make those messages like "homer cowers"?
[21:49] <+Sprooj> not guilty your honor
03[21:49] * veb sets mode: +b *!*Tinerr@*.634B07C6.1A654E2.IP
01[21:49] <+blcked> Tinardo: not a good time
[21:49] <@veb> Now.
[21:50] <+Tinardo> k
01[21:50] <+blcked> please your honor, i must object
[21:50] <@veb> blcked: Do you have legal counsel?
02[21:50] * +bigducky (44e6d666@1337-31523E21.mibbit.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
01[21:50] <+blcked> Sprooj is obviously lieing
01[21:50] <+blcked> all my medical team state it
[21:50] <@veb> DO YOU OR DO YOU NOT?
[21:50] <@veb> Have legal counsel.
01[21:50] <+blcked> uh...
01[21:50] <+blcked> what?
06[21:50] * +blcked googles
[21:50] <@veb> Do you have a lawyer?
01[21:50] <+blcked> oh sure
06[21:50] * +Dikarika coughs
06[21:50] * +Homer giggles
[21:50] <@veb> Who?
06[21:50] * +Dikarika coughs again
01[21:50] <+blcked> wait a sec
[21:50] <+Sprooj> I move for a mistrial on the grounds that the defendent is not mentally sound enough to represent himself in this case
01[21:51] <+blcked> BS
[21:51] <@veb> This man will speak on your behalf unless a question is directed at you
01[21:51] <+blcked> ^^ what veb said
[21:51] <@veb> Sprooj: Rejected
[21:51] <@veb> Please state your grounds blcked 
[21:51] <@veb> Tell us what happened.
01[21:51] <+blcked> well i was chatting with some guys
02[21:51] * +DJ_Rutz_for_Nikita (bla@1337-5D89D46E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) Quit (Quit: )
01[21:51] <+blcked> and then this dude
01[21:51] <+blcked> homerls
01[21:51] <+blcked> or w/e 
01[21:51] <+blcked> was like
01[21:51] <+blcked> * +Homer breaks blcked's kneecaps
01[21:51] <+blcked> ^^
01[21:52] <+blcked> o wait
01[21:52] <+blcked> my lawya's comeing
02[21:52] * +Tinardo (Tinerr@317CD9E4.634B07C6.1A654E2.IP) Quit (Quit: )
03[21:52] * Olgac (olgac.3.__@1337-8D188283.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) has joined #toribash
03[21:52] * veb sets mode: +v Olgac
[21:52] <+Olgac> Hello
03[21:52] * Novi|Work (novitec@1337-F1B77654.student.appstate.edu) has joined #toribash
03[21:52] * veb sets mode: +v Novi|Work
12[21:52] <+Olgac> im blkk's lawya
[21:52] <@veb> Okay.
[21:52] <@veb> Does your client plead guilty or not guilty?
06[21:52] * +Dikarika facepalms yet again
[21:52] <+Sprooj> not guilty
[21:52] <+Olgac> i thought i was sueing him?
[21:52] <+Olgac> im rather confuzzled now
12[21:52] <@veb> Olgac: Please state the grounds for this trial.
[21:52] <+Olgac> i didnt know when you sued someone, he come counter sue
[21:52] <+Olgac> oh right
[21:53] <+Olgac> i demand my medical bills paid for me becuase it was homer that cuase the injury
[21:53] <+Olgac> you see
[21:53] <+Olgac> my client is under considerable mental duress
[21:53] <+Olgac> and the medical bills invovlved amount to a total of 5249tc
[21:53] <+Sprooj> I object
01[21:53] <+blcked> BS
[21:53] <@veb> Accepted Sprooj 
[21:53] <@veb> Please talk.
01[21:53] <+blcked> ;-;
[21:54] <+Sprooj> anyone could have commited these crimes
[21:54] <+Sprooj> observe
03[21:54] * Sprooj is now known as Homer_
06[21:54] * +Homer_ breaks blkeds kneecaps
[21:54] <+Olgac> OBJECTION
03[21:54] * Homer_ is now known as Sprooj
03[21:54] * dentian (72f433d5@1337-31523E21.mibbit.com) has joined #toribash
03[21:54] * veb sets mode: +v dentian
[21:54] <+Sprooj> as you can see
[21:54] <+Olgac> THREAT TO MY CLIENT
12[21:54] <@veb> Rejected Olgac 
03[21:54] * Dikarika is now known as _Homer
[21:54] <+dentian> hello
[21:54] <+Sprooj> anyone could have commited said crime
[21:54] <+Olgac> anybody can commit haxery
[21:54] <+Olgac> but only some do
[21:54] <+Olgac> and they get banned for it
[21:54] <+Sprooj> there is no definitive way of telling who broke the defendents kneecaps
[21:54] <+LtKenny> veb: Brops?
[21:54] <+Olgac> ur objection does not make sence
[21:55] <@veb> Where is the proof that Mr Homer broke kneecaps?
[21:55] <+Olgac> Yes 
[21:55] <+Olgac> * +Homer breaks blcked's kneecaps
[21:55] <+Olgac> you can scroll up
[21:55] <@veb> But Mr Sprooj just showed us that that was not proof.
[21:55] <+LtKenny> Anyone could have made said text
03[21:55] * BlakNWyte is now known as BlakNafk
[21:55] <+robo-mohawk> objection he forged that document
[21:55] <+Sprooj> LtKenny: already played the King Kong defense
[21:55] <+BlakNafk> nn
[21:55] <+May0naise> cya
[21:55] <+_Homer> nn
[21:55] <+LtKenny> nn blak
[21:55] <+Olgac> ok, then i file a counter suement
[21:56] <@veb> Sprooj: please continue
[21:56] <+Sprooj> objection
12[21:56] <@veb> Olgac: quiet
[21:56] <+May0naise> wait...
[21:56] <+Sprooj> suement isnt a word
[21:56] <+May0naise> whats going on?
[21:56] <+Olgac> w/e
03[21:56] * veb sets mode: +b *!*chatzilla@*.cmdnnj.fios.verizon.net
03[21:56] * May0naise was kicked by veb (.)
[21:56] <+robo-mohawk> Homer couldnt have done it. Both dismember and fracture were set to 0.
[21:56] <+Sprooj> ^
[21:56] <+Sprooj> I rest my case
[21:56] <@veb> ORDER IN MY COURT ROOM
[21:56] <+Olgac> i object
[21:56] <@veb> Sprooj: CONTINUE!
[21:56] <+Sprooj> thank you your honor
01[21:56] <+blcked> your honor, please
[21:57] <+Sprooj> homer is innocent, there are no doubts about ity
[21:57] <+Sprooj> it*
[21:57] <+_Homer> my legal defence is winning, isn't it homer?
[21:57] <+Sprooj> I have already shown that anyone could have commited the crime
[21:57] <+Olgac> my client wants to make the point that whoever this "homer" is... can be tracked
[21:57] <+Sprooj> I submit to the court, the OJ Simpson defense
[21:57] <@veb> The state has now decided. blcked is now sentenced to a one day IRC and Forum ban for misleading this court room.
[21:57] <+Olgac> and can be punished
[21:57] <+Olgac> ONO
[21:57] <@veb> *BANG* *BANG*
[21:57] <+Sprooj> if the glove dont fit, you must aquit
03[21:57] * veb sets mode: +b *!*lgac.3.__@*.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net
03[21:57] * You were kicked by veb (veb)
w decided. blcked is now sentenced to a one day IRC and Forum ban for misleading this court room.
01[21:57] <+Olgac> ONO
[21:57] <@veb> *BANG* *BANG*
[21:57] <+Sprooj> if the glove dont fit, you must aquit
03[21:57] * veb sets mode: +b *!*lgac.3.__@*.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net
03[21:57] * blcked was kicked by veb (veb)
[21:57] <+Phailsignment> gg
[21:57] <+Homer> Well
[21:57] <+Homer> gg
[21:57] <+LtKenny> Ftw
01[21:57] <+Olgac> gg
[21:57] <+_Homer> xD
[21:57] <@veb> Court over.
06[21:57] * +Olgac shakes homer's hand
[21:58] <+Sprooj> veb: thank you your honor
06[21:58] * +Olgac shakes veb's hand
02[21:58] * +vespesi3n (That@1337-AF93E55E.bendbroadband.com) Quit (Quit: vespesi3n)
12[21:58] * +Homer shakes Olgac's hand
06[21:58] * +_Homer shakes Homer's hand
06[21:58] * +hanz0 greets people.
[21:58] <+Homer> :D
[21:58] <+Sprooj> hello
12[21:58] <+LtKenny> OBJECTION Olgac shoul be kicked too
06[21:58] * +Novi|Work greets back
[21:58] <+Homer> Sprooj
[21:58] <+Homer> :D
[21:58] <+Sprooj> sup?
[21:58] <+Homer> <3
[21:58] <+Sprooj> <3
[21:58] <+_Homer> nice job
[21:58] <@veb> ./join #veb-court
[21:58] <+Sprooj> thank you
- its been a while
As some of you (which probably happens to be nobody) might have noticed, cakebox is emptied again.

Also, this is a quite epic quote but it's too fucking long so I'll just post it here:

[15:20] <CMon> ishiku
[15:20] <ishi> ye?
[15:20] <CMon> HAVE A FLOWER
[15:20] * CMon gives daisy to ishi
[15:21] <ishi> :D
[15:21] <RedDevil> :|
[15:21] * RedDevil slaps CMon
[15:21] * RedDevil gives chocolates to ishi
[15:21] <RedDevil> :D
[15:21] <ishi> im allergic
[15:21] * ishi dies
[15:21] <CMon> RedDevil: How romantic.
[15:21] <RedDevil> :D
[15:21] <CMon> You killed ishi.
[15:21] <RedDevil> CMon: I know right.
[15:21] <avwave> hmmm poke it to let the air out
[15:22] <CMon> poke what?
[15:22] * CMon pokes ishi
[15:22] <CMon> live?
[15:22] * RedDevil pokes ishi
[15:22] * RedDevil pokes ishi
[15:22] * RedDevil pokes ishi
[15:22] * RedDevil pokes ishi
[15:22] * RedDevil pokes ishi
[15:22] * RedDevil pokes ishi
[15:22] * RedDevil pokes ishi
[15:22] * RedDevil pokes ishi
[15:22] * CMon wacks ishi with a stick
[15:22] * ishi explodes
[15:22] * RedDevil pokes CMon with a stick
[15:22] * CMon shoots RedDevil with a gun
[15:22] <CMon> too much?
[15:22] * RedDevil shoots CMon with a baseball bat
[15:23] <CMon> oh well now that's just awesome
[15:23] * CMon loads SMVC
[15:23] <CMon> (Super Magnificent Versatility Cannon)
[15:23] <Zaa_HELLSINKER> cocks
[15:23] <RedDevil> >:|
[15:23] * CMon shoots rays of retard-n00b-glee all over the place
[15:23] * CMon is now known as CmEN
[15:23] <CmEN> gleeee
[15:23] * RedDevil shoots CmEN with retard-n00b-glee
[15:24] * CmEN is now known as mnoCl
[15:24] <mnoCl> gluuurh
[15:24] <RedDevil> !
[15:24] * RedDevil is now known as Divedlerd
[15:24] <Divedlerd> mnoCl: !
[15:24] <mnoCl> !
[15:24] <mnoCl> IM A CAR
[15:24] <Divedlerd> !!!!
[15:24] <Divedlerd> I'M A LARD
[15:24] <mnoCl> DRIVE ME
[15:25] <mnoCl> vroom
[15:25] * Divedlerd drives mnoCl ALL OVER THE PLACE
[15:25] <mnoCl> vroom
[15:25] <Divedlerd> WAAAAHHHHH
[15:25] * mnoCl runs over Ishi
[15:25] <Divedlerd> YYYEEEEAAAAHHHH
[15:25] * mnoCl stops
[15:25] <Divedlerd> :(
[15:25] <mnoCl> out of gas
[15:25] * Divedlerd re-fills
[15:25] * Divedlerd fires up cmn
[15:25] <Divedlerd> :D
[15:25] <mnoCl> vroom
[15:26] * mnoCl gets driven ALL OVER THE PLACE
[15:26] <Divedlerd> !!
[15:26] <Hector> who wants to have a duel?
[15:26] * Divedlerd looks at Hector
[15:26] * Divedlerd looks at mnoCl
[15:26] <Divedlerd> :|
[15:26] * Divedlerd looks away
[15:26] <avwave> d-d-d--d--d-d-d-duel!
[15:26] <Divedlerd> avwave: !!!
[15:27] * mnoCl loads SMVC
[15:27] * avwave summons Divedlerd in attack position!
[15:27] <Divedlerd> NO DUELS
[15:27] <Divedlerd> !!!!!
[15:27] <Divedlerd> avwave: Oh, ok.
[15:27] * mnoCl fires a blast of concentrated probability drive ALL OVER THE PLACE
[15:27] * Divedlerd rarar
[15:27] * mnoCl is now known as CMon
[15:27] <CMon> Ah.
[15:27] <Divedlerd> PAWJTihe+wPFE
[15:27] <CMon> Very good.
[15:27] <Divedlerd> QDwq~Dqfj~
[15:27] * Divedlerd is now known as RedDevil
[15:27] <RedDevil> Mhm.
[15:27] <avwave> i think i end my turn
[15:27] <RedDevil> That was fun.
[15:27] <CMon> Yes.
[15:27] <CMon> Quite so.
[15:27] * CMon sips tea

The special currency/economy of the furry population revealed.

<@mrlebo> Hey :d
<@mrlebo> hows it going
<~Fao-drawing> pretty good
<~Fao-drawing> asked skul to give you the void lax already cuz I'd rather bug him now than later
<~Fao-drawing> XD
<%LtKenny> He won't do it
<%LtKenny> :(
<@mrlebo> :D
<@mrlebo> thanks 
* Giantz (Giantz@1337-7C477E33.ags.bellsouth.net) has joined #market
* Fao-drawing sets mode: +h Giantz
<%LtKenny> wat
* kpiu (lucas_fant@1337-9FB695F8.mganm702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br) Quit (Ping timeout)
<~Fao-drawing> LtKenny: i sucked his dick
<~Fao-drawing> twice
<%LtKenny> psh I do that all the time
<~Fao-drawing> udoinitwrong
<%Giantz> Put more umph in your sucks.
<~Fao-drawing> dont gag
<%blk> lol
<%blk> im sure Fao-drawing is a master at blowjobs
<~Fao-drawing> ;D
<%blk> in the furry universe, its the replacement for money
<%blk> like, i want these oranges for 5 blowjobs
<%blk> etc.
<~Fao-drawing> for once you're right about something regarding furries O.O
<%blk> lol
<blk> read + comment on bottom post http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?p=1352506#post1352506
<blk> like comment as in say comments, not post
<blk> i'm doing an article on the economy of furries
<Nikita> Nice.
<blk> so..... whats the best suckling technique
<Nikita> o.o
<blk> are you "rich" in the Furry community?
<blk> i remember one rule that 20% of the top population, has 80% of the currency of the population
<blk> so, in this case
<Nikita> Im not participating in a furry bashing/trolling activity
<blk> wouldn't that mean you extremely exceed the amount of blowjobs given to you compared to others?
<Nikita> Feel free to post but Im not going to give in to your fail attempts.
<blk> OSHIT
<blk> i was denied info
<blk> ono
<blk> :<
<Nikita> baahahaha
<Nikita> ͡๏ω͡๏   
<blk> you laugh like you have a cock in your mouth
<Nikita> nope
<blk> who are you paying now?
<Nikita> hmm
<Nikita> hmm
<Nikita> I thing youd get better answers if you interviewd this furry
<Nikita> [19:18] <+KiTFoX-OS> :3
<Nikita> [17:27] <+KiTFoX> :3
<Nikita> ^ proof
<Nikita> go bother him
<Nikita> hes a furry
<Nikita> a big furry
<Nikita> a mega ultra furry
<Nikita> whos secretly gay
<Nikita> and loves tenticles.
<blk> okey
<Nikita> have phun

* You were kicked from #sheep by KiTFoX (KiTFoX)
* You were kicked from #sheep by KiTFoX (No. GTFO)
#sheep unable to join channel (address is banned)
Last edited by blkk; May 30, 2009 at 07:07 AM.
- its been a while
<Guv_na> <_<
* Guv_na attempts to enlighten Hamster.
* Hector has joined #toribash
* Tinerr has quit IRC (Quit: )
* Hamster moans softly
-I am Unsatisfied.... the blood of children is not enough, no... I need fresher.... I need... TEENAGE PROSTITUTES!
-RelaxAll, for the soul, heart, mind, and any drug addictions you may/may not be suffering from!
"Also please note that sometimes the staff gets a wee bit pissy.
If you encounter a moderator when they're in a pissy mood, and you get banned... All I can say is: BAD LUCK" -Veb
There? Small right? Feel happier? Yes you do! OH YES YOU DO!... pls?