Endurance Onslaught 6.0
My application for [e]
Dear [e] application reviewers

My name is Gaspard but you can call me wolf it would be much easier.Im 12 13 in june I applied to this clan befor but got declined for bad grammar or being a clan hopper but thats true I 'was' a clan hopper and have been in alot of clans befor.listed:

MyLittle.I left because the clan was dying out
Ultimate.I got kicked for begging for jokes
Extreme.I quit to join ultimate :o
Beta.Inactive ingame so I left
vingate.I got kicked because I was apparantly planning to join another clan[not true]
Its.I left because a member was trolling me on his/her server

I wont clan hop anymore and plan on staying here for 4-14 weeks if not 4 weeks then I appologise.I know a few people from this clan like you Twilight and Abyss..etc.I could help anyone who needs sparring lessons I do them free if you need one just pm me right away.Im really active ingame but bought a bit of qi but still reached my belts fast.

How I look irl:

I have blue eyes,Im white I have blond hair up to my shoulders Im sometimes really mean sometimes really kind but I try to stick with my kind side :3.

I really like to bet and like to have alot of tc.My favorate mod is currently aikido or greykido cause it provides alot of skill I guess.

And my player card:

Yes, I did turn it off and on again.
I always have a hatred toward people younger than me on the internet, because most of the time, they're a bunch of cunts.
I vote yes, now please prove me wrong ;o
[2:40] Henry The Ginger: Let's hope we don't get fucks like them again
[2:40] aguyyoudontknow: Oh we will. Either that, or horrific feeders like our yasuo from the game before that. Or maybe an afk
[2:41] Henry The Ginger: Welp. That's league for you
Btw, don't take the first part the wrong way lol
[2:40] Henry The Ginger: Let's hope we don't get fucks like them again
[2:40] aguyyoudontknow: Oh we will. Either that, or horrific feeders like our yasuo from the game before that. Or maybe an afk
[2:41] Henry The Ginger: Welp. That's league for you
I am sure he will not. Anyhow, after reading this, my vote is yes. If you do not uphold your promise you stated in the start however, I will find you. And I will smother you to death with candy.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
Hehehe abyss...I will try keep my self in Electric for about 6 weeks if not longer :o.And yes I didnt take that first bit wrong
Last edited by counter; May 14, 2014 at 09:02 AM.
I vote yes, I have seen him in-game and he is quit good; an all round great guy :o
<Smiles4Fre> Why quote yourself, losers.
Originally Posted by wolfkidxD View Post
Ty now I have to wait for twilight

I don't see any problem with you. I've seen you somewhere before though...
Originally Posted by dddcrazy12 View Post
Hi, I am dddcrazy12, as you can see over to the left there

I have been in this clan once before and left because i planned on making a new clan but then they notched the price up which made it a lot more difficult which puts me in the current position I am currently in. I was going to try and partner my clan with this clan by calling it Voltage (Volt). I am 14, gonna be 15 in Late December. I am whatever sex you think me to be and need me to be. I have no problem with offensive jokes or derrogatory terms used against me but my signature has a better way of explaining it. I always plan ahead, but when I don't bad things happen to me. I also usually try to donate at least 5k to a clan per month as a sort of rental fee, especially with as good a clan as [e]. I am currently a 4th dan black belt as also seen to the left
I have raptor force, selling for 15k and also do a lot of texturing.

I hope my application wasn't too scattered for the [e] applicant viewers here.
With dedication,

Yes, I did turn it on and off again.

This is the third time you've applied for this clan and left and came back. -_-
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.