Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
Yeah, We've noticed you 'jizz in your pants' very easily. XD

Anyway, Skull, have you ever make anything with precise pixel masking for sprite collision states? Can you share some wisdom about it?

Lock eyes from across the room
Down my drink while the rhythms boom
Take your hand and skip the names
No need here for the silly games
Make our way through the smoke and crowd
The club is the sky and I'm on your cloud
Move in close as the lasers fly
Our bodies touch and the angels cry
Leave this place go back to yours
Our lips first touch outside your doors
The whole night what we've got instore
Whisper in my ear that you want some more
And I
If you head over to my house, you'll be (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Latest version

I dont understand this game but I love it. I need to learn how to make a flash game. xD
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
There's a lot missing, but since there were only a handful of us working on it with limited time remembering everyone for launch wasn't going to happen. Plus the list of inactive people would've gone through the roof & we wanted a somewhat balanced list for launch.

More will be added, both old & current. There's already a short list lined up for the first inductees to be added. And OFC legends can nominate other people to be added, so as time goes on we'll have a full list of everyone awesome ever.

Oh hey, yeah, i can't begin to imagine how much work this would all entail.

I put legends in quotes due to the amount of folks that will be thinking of themselves as "legends" but may not have all the necessary qualifications (whatever those may be...). I'm not in any way saying KiT isn't a legend (although perhaps for reasons I'd rather not bring up).

But I'd imagine this is going to open a whole can of worms as to what constitutes a legend going forward. Much like the baseball hall of fame, I suppose, just subjective voting and peer review is the best way to go.

Good luck with decking the hall.
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
Originally Posted by iSpeed View Post
Are you staff? or were you staff?

He's not staff, per say.
He plays an important part in organizing the community and implementing ideas, he's also in charge of the Toribash Facebook account.
Originally Posted by iSpeed View Post
Are you staff? or were you staff?

Everything you could possibly need and want to know about our dear SkulFuk is right here on his "Who is who" interview. c:
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Originally Posted by iSpeed View Post
Are you staff? or were you staff?

Ninja, have been since the latter part of 08. I could go through it all, but there's a thread about who's been in which position that already has my info in it.

Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
Anyway, Skull, have you ever make anything with precise pixel masking for sprite collision states? Can you share some wisdom about it?

I have indeed, the shitty shooter I did for the 24h game compo a few years ago was 100% pixel collision - and it suffered badly for it. Time was short & making something register collisions that way was quicker than making hitboxes.
Fap-Race was also pixel perfect, but the game was only like 40px by 60px or summit daft like that, and the only collisions were when the winner spunked on the loser *cough* so yeah. ¬_¬
If I was to go over everything I've made since I started making stuff I could pull out a stack of games without hitboxes, it's been a lot of years after all.
These days it depends on the situation, what I'm making it for & a lot of other things... Plus I had more than enough years to realize hitboxing is the better solution in the majority of cases.

Pixel based collisions also a fair bit of overhead in comparison to boxes, around 20~% which can result in a large performance hit if there's a lot of things going on using it. Having objects checking each pixel every game tick is inefficient as fuck, and if running at 60fps it hits hard (you only have 16ms for the machine to do everything including draw the frame). Even box collisions can cause slowdown if there's enough of it needing to be checked at a given time, the SNES especially was bad for it due to the slowass CPU.

You'll be hard pushed to find a game made since the 80's that only uses pixel based collisions rather than a series of hitboxes, and they'd be shooters or old platformers with the weird ' both feet always on the floor, arms stuck in one position' walk animations.
Hmm, easier to explain if I do it via images.

Say for example you're making a platformer, pixel collisions are your enemy. Why? Because of shit like this:

Imagine what happens to things that have blank space under an animation frame. To combat the various problems it causes you'd use a series of boxes, each for a specific purpose.

I'll pick on Megaman again because I can. (note - this isn't how the hitboxing in MM games work cos Capcom suck at hitboxing platformers)

You'd then run though them all each frame:
1. Bottom overlapping a solid tile or platform? Push them up until it doesn't overlap.
2. Top overlapping a solid tile? Stop any jump loops and push them down until it no long overlaps.
(Capcom don't actually check overhead correctly, so you can get inside tiles & abuse the left/right detection to launch yourself across the screen amongst the many other glitches their engines have)
3a. If it facing left? If it is then check for a collision & pushout.
3b. If it facing right? If it is then check for a collision & pushout.
4. Is the big box overlapping something that hurts?

TAADAAA, you've got working collision detection.
It's a lot faster to check multiple boxes like that than having to check for a pixel collision & work out which direction it's coming from & how things should react to it. It's important to check them all because it stops players being able to get out of bounds or stuck in tiles.

Anyways, that's pretty much why we use a series of hitboxes. Platformers need them to stop animations making everything go spazzy. Fighters use them to designate areas that can be hit & areas that are hitting (they're probably the worst offender for box spamming), shmups rely on hitboxing these days so you can dodge bullet spam.

I'm going to assume you're looking more for box2d sorta info though because ChibiBash etc. Hitboxes and more hitboxes lol. That's pretty much what it is. Boxes, various joints and more boxes. Clue's in the name. ;)
Well, boxes is a bit of a loose term since it can be any non-convex shape (physics engines hate convex shapes, and the majority refuse to work with them full stop), and the more complex it is then the slower it'll make everything.
So long as you match up the boxes to the art it'll give the illusion of being pixel perfect. That's why physics based games typically have primitives as a base for everything.

If you're after specifics on other game stuff then let me know, and I can give a brief run down on it.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Latest version

this game is the bomb
I completed round one, feel pro
how has it taken you to make this game?
Originally Posted by aracoon View Post
this game is the bomb
I completed round one, feel pro
how has it taken you to make this game?

Lol round 1, game doesn't start to get into it's swing till 7. Then you'll hate life, and hate me.

In real hours actually working on it, or the amount of time from beginning to end because there's a huge difference lol.

Couple of weeks or so (if I'd been at it every day).
Thanks to RL stuff though it was actually around 1 1/2 year from start to end since I only had the occasional hour to do anything lol.
That was making 3 codebases simultaneously. Flash was finished first, Windows a few days later, Droid took around a week after that to iron out the shitty FPS.
Shame nothing can stop touchscreen controls from being awful eh?

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you