Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I actually have no idea. They were around during clan league I think but that's probably the last time I saw them.
I know it sounds like I'm saying this about everyone but he was also a loyal dude.
Sorry if I'm making your job hard here lol.

I have major respect for the guys who tried to pitch in for CL though, really helped to grow clan unity I feel(particularly in the year we actually did well in), so I may be a little biased.
Yeah, the people who helped out in last years clan league deserve their spot in the clan in my opinion. I was one of them, i initially was gonna leave after last years clan league but hey im still here :]
i saw data playing a couple times in-game months before the cl, but he never reply'd
My Heart Beats For Hardstyle
Alright, let's just say he's safe for now. We will have to create some kind of system for inactivity to sort things out a little better, like tolerance levels and explicit consequences for recurring inactivity or long periods of inactivity. But that's for later.

For now, let's teach Saru about what's up with the Warheads.

I don't know if EddyLee's been around for a while, but the name kind of looks familiar, but I need a full debrief.
Blade I'm completely ignorant about, so again, a full debrief needed.

Shnok is 100% OUT OF THE CLAN safe, so no worries.

I'm just a little worried about Eddy and Blade because of lengthy inactivity; I assume they helped with the clan league because of their status as warheads, I'd just like some affirmation.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
Yeah they were both around for CL, Eddy was in the clan beforehand as well on an account called 1tap.
Was talk to blade during this CL but haven't seen him since and not sure if he plays anymore honestly.

Warheads also set up clan wars but lately it's just been shnok doing them to my knowledge.

So yeah anyway I can try contacting blade but I'd say he isn't into Toribash anymore and Eddy might be the same situation.
Blade was a big help in last years clan league, hes pretty inactive at the moment due to life im guessing. For the people who are inactive but were here and helped during last years clan league, you can decide their fate saru and snook, i dont think they should be kicked. Maybe put them in a clan league 2016 rank? Idk
Well I don't personally like kicking anyone considering I've already done a purge before and the people remaining are in the clan for a reason for the most part. Though some people did join during my brief absence while I had my life crumbling apart.
I was doing some wars... not anymore.
Since Some clans were afraid of war against me or the clan. .. and because no one war nowadays...
My Heart Beats For Hardstyle
ive seen people war. also, if you need some help during wars, i have no trouble helping when im bored
hentai for senpai :3~~ >~<
I wish I have time to war..
I'm busy as damn fuck. The last 3 weeks have been really stressful
My Heart Beats For Hardstyle