Originally Posted by Panatakis View Post
Warriors of Armageddon? Sounds cool, is it official?
If not, that's OK cuz DSC clans with people we know are fine.

Also, thanks 54321.. Are you talking about MFR or WoA?

I was talking about MRF has a great story about becoming a clan... and WoA as the clan that may still need some more exereince...
and ur welcome
If you guys are willing to join us, we would be happy to make your MFR soldiers.
We have a lot in common, and we are official so that helps.
What do you guys say?
Also, 54321 you should have seen this clan in the glory days. It was once a top clan after no one believed in us, and we made it this far, and we were recently resurrected into activity again, so we are basically immortal. I made thstory ^_^

Also, lol'd at the GIF link.
[Chill], Bro. ~~~ Hardstyle4Lyf
yea man the wish i was there bro.. but i'm glad to be apart of the resurrection..
you guy's have alot of history and it's cool that i'm apart of adding to it..
haven't been here long but i feel like i've been accepted here so thanks to all yall..
@54321LOL: I am proud to have recruited you, you are active, friendly and good in game. We are glad to have you.

@Link: So what do you say about the merge?

@Kooky: I already did.Check the RoE manual.
[Chill], Bro. ~~~ Hardstyle4Lyf