Toribash becomes boring when you see other inspiring things.
I saw great videos and replay makers, I started doing multiplayer less. I found it to be a waste of time.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
its not the game that keeps most of us around, its the community

Quite true in my case. Whenever I'm not playing Toribash, I'm either on the forums, or playing some other game.
After your first year, It does get boring but I still stay because there is nothing better that could replace this.
Dose is dead.
Originally Posted by Dose View Post
After your first year, It does get boring but I still stay because there is nothing better that could replace this.

I'm like the community more then the game most of the time.
Originally Posted by demolish23 View Post
Most of players find Toribash boring now quit because the game they are playing is boring...
and one of them is Toribash.. Do you realize that Alot of Toribash Members
are very Inactive?
Because I think they quit already...

Is it true or not?

If not the community and the way how it exists (you can spend here whole day talking with people and always you will be able to talk with new guys), clans, organizations - I would be inactive already, as I don't play the game to much. Maybe once in a week when there's clan war or when I don't have anything else to do (tho, only 4-5 matches)
It becomes more fun if you try different mods instead of just sticking to one mod like Wushu or Akido.

Attend to tourneys and events, make some awesome replays
Ive play toribash A LOT and i know that soon you will get bored and try different blood colors lol. For hours.
Hey bozo you got some free s**t, its free s**t, ITS FREE S**T!
I've been playing toribash for around Two years ( Two years sometime this month) And I still find it fun, Its just that once you progress up and up threw the belts and ranks you find that you don't get that rush that you used to get from playing toribash as much as you used to, You know the kinda feeling when you get when you click all teh joints as fast as you can when your determined to win? That.
Another reason to keep playing is To be Mr,Top. Get high up into the community and be well known, I'm sure its the dream of most Toribash people and its still mine, So until I get there I will continue to put a few hours of my day into this.
Oh and mixing things up helps ;3 making up your own gravities in freeplay is fun, 25.00 For mua.
Yes this game gets boring after there is:
A. No one to play with
B. Ragequiters
C. I can't think of any more moves for a long time

Then thats when i took a big break ingame but not on community.
Your signature has been banned because it draws in hate. Thank you, Toribash Community.
toribash became boring for a year now. servers are empty. few years ago i was used to see alot peps in servers, everybody had some idea, like playing unpopular mods such as airhockey, realjousting, freerunning, climbing... nowdays there are only people in tourney rooms, and in few official rooms and thats all.
game turned shit.