Originally Posted by mark2766 View Post
what is wrong of getting turned down by a clan and trying to join another. but fine your decsion

It means that you won't be loyal to any clan. You just want to be in a clan, I don't know why. When you get kicked, you'll just say "meh" and try for other clans, except if you get bored to the clan after two days and leave and find for another clan.
You should take a look at NGatiVe. He has been waiting for us to accept him to Blood even though he applied like... A week ago. That means that he's loyal to us, he really wants to join us, not to just have a tag in front of his name.
dude i waited for parrot and freestlye and got turned down. i applied at differnt times. what did u want me to do since i got turned down by a clan i should not apply for another one.
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
You should take a look at NGatiVe. He has been waiting for us to accept him to Blood even though he applied like... A week ago. That means that he's loyal to us, he really wants to join us, not to just have a tag in front of his name.

I'm touched tonakai, I am touched. :,D
Originally Posted by mark2766 View Post
dude i waited for parrot and freestlye and got turned down. i applied at differnt times. what did u want me to do since i got turned down by a clan i should not apply for another one.

At least not immediately to not look stupid.
How about if you wait until some clan invites you?
If you have done this already, then this time wait more than one day. Maybe a week. Or more.
Previous clans: I used to lead an old school clan by the name of Streak 9 with a fellow old schooler, Sin. We weren't the best of clans, but we amassed quite a bit of players.
Time Zone:
I'm in New York, I'm not sure of my time zone, but right now it's 5: 35.
Previous infractions: I was banned for a little while because of a mishap that occurred when I left Streak 9. Sin and I had gotten on a bit of a rough road, and I ended up creating a clan to destroy what I'd helped to create. The reason for that, though, was simply that the clan itself had grown so big that it could not be regulated at all. Because of our lenient recruiting policy, we were taking on too many members, and before long there were people I'd never even seen boasting the clan tag.
My new clan, though, aided in the downfall of Streak 9... Unfortunately, that struck a bit of a hard note with it's previous members (The ones that did not come with me to EH), and a lot of harsh words were said. I know it ended in IRC, though, when I spoke with Hawkinz (I'm not sure if he's still moderating). I received a ban for the dirty work my new clan had carried out, but it's mission had already been finished; though an unofficial clan, it was still strong enough to do it's duty. EH was finally laid to rest, and I'd taken my leave of toribash.
Well, I'm an old schooler. I'm not amazing at toribash, but I do have some skill with the game. I play it for fun, and strictly that.
Oh, and Sin and I are good friends again in case you were wondering.
Back to the point, though. I try to be on good terms with a lot of people, and I'm sure that I have a few friends hiding out on the forums. Honestly, I'm not really into having enemies. But when it comes down to it, I'm always up for a fight, be it in real life, or in bash'.
If you want to play me in a few matches, you'll most likely find me hanging out in whatever server has the least amount of people. I like to get my matches in quick...
I will also emote a lot, so if I'm playing a match, and you ask me a question, I'll emote it to you. It's much more fun that way.
Oh by the way, I like to joke around a little bit. That's just me.
One last vital piece of information; I'm an amateur artist. I draw a bit by hand, but I'm pretty good at creating things on the computer (As I've tried to show you in the contest).
Second: Play with you in-game? Sure, I'll play you guys in a few matches.
Now THIS is an application. You look cool.
Hopea isn't fond of emoting though. ;p
Nice bit of detail about the clan(s) as well.
Last edited by NGative; Sep 10, 2009 at 06:22 PM.
Ic no emotes in guitarookids' app. Also, I'm a bit sleepy now, but I'll read through that again tomorrow morning and decide then. But consider this application accepted an be prepared for voting.
E: Also, (unless Toni really wants it) playing with us isn't really neccessary to get that poll for you. I think I've seen you enough on the forums.
Last edited by Hopea; Sep 9, 2009 at 12:17 AM.
Clan Blood Leader
Well, when it comes to emoting, I meant that I emoted in game.
I also do emote when it comes to certain things, such as... Well... *Facepalm*. Sometimes I tend to get more detailed with mine, but it all depends on the time.
Thank you, NGative XD. I'm glad you think so.

I see! I've only been back for a week or so, and I've enough posts to be noticed again? I'll take that as a compliment XD.
By the way, I bet you're wondering why it says Senior Jerk under my username. *Points to the story he posted in the application* That's why~.
^Oh well, nothing bad in /em. It is Toni who doesn't like that.

Toni is a great forumstalker.
Personalized "Ranks" are kwlr anyway.
Clan Blood Leader
Originally Posted by Hopea View Post
It is Toni who doesn't like that.

Usually they ruin good matches... I can show one, very old replay where me and BA11EY07 were playing Judo. I'm in school atm, so I'll post it here when I get home, lol :p
It was fun, except that the emotes could've been left to make it even funnier. Or maybe add better emotes.
I usually emote when my opponent emotes, too.

Also, I've always liked your personalized title :D
I've also liked your art what you did for our contest, but they just don't fit as our logo, but otherwise they're pretty nice.

Anyways, I'll post a poll for you. We've seen you talk enough in forums, and we think you're Awesome.

EDIT: Also, I think we shouldn't recruit people so much anymore. What do you think? ;o
EDIT2: Behold...
I guess I should just remove the emotes from the replay by editing it with Notepad.
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Last edited by Tonakai; Sep 9, 2009 at 11:52 AM.