Hmm how many people have died over the history of man? Sounds like heaven is actually gonna be a overcrowded hell. Humans are so gullible. They'll believe anything there parents tell them to believe. In my oppinion, religion only starts wars, violence, misinterpretations, and chaos. My theory is that there was a storyteller trying to make an honest living by telling stories, and people started believing him and telling others. Finally it was written down.
Redbull Gave Me Wings
Originally Posted by WingedGod View Post
Hmm how many people have died over the history of man? Sounds like heaven is actually gonna be a overcrowded hell. Humans are so gullible. They'll believe anything there parents tell them to believe. In my oppinion, religion only starts wars, violence, misinterpretations, and chaos. My theory is that there was a storyteller trying to make an honest living by telling stories, and people started believing him and telling others. Finally it was written down.

Not every religion is christian, etc.
lol. Every religion has those within it that wish to harm others that are not. Every religion has its radical side. I for one, just wish that god, or goddess, or the gods and godesses, or flying monkeys, will show themselves so that people will see them and unite instead of fight. Bring aid to those in hunger, Give hope to those who need encouragement in their life.
Redbull Gave Me Wings
i see your point but where would the fun be for our creators?
thats why they dont show themselves or why they dont help us they want to test the human race.. and we've failed
Why test us!? if we've failed then they could give us aid! Some humans try every day to survive in third world countries. Does it amuse the creators to watch them struggle and pray helplessly? some fucked up creators they are.
Redbull Gave Me Wings
I think dead spirits live on but some are harmless and the ones that are fueled by rage and anger are the ones who are able to haunt people.
^ well lets hope that we are all filled with anger and rage then lol. Cuz i wanna be around to scare the crap out of my kids for many years to come :3
Redbull Gave Me Wings
who knows?

it might be an epic fantasty, or a terrible nightmare.

I think the 'afterlife' will be beautiful, and filled with love.
Call me lLlLlLlLl because I spit straight bars when i rap or call me $tr8B@rz
read the bible, bro.
streets of gold, lined with jewels.
everyone gets their own mansion.
i dont think theres 'individual heavens' for every person, just think 'in real life'...but without any war.
I am a polytheist and believe in ancient greek/egyptian forms, however, I do believe in reincarnation. I believe that you will be born again but remember nothing, even possibly as another species.

If so, I want to become an Amoeba.

I have read the bible, and I was raised catholic. However, I personally do not believe heaven would be all that great.

A place controlled completely by one super powerful being.

Wouldn't you find it dull if there was no evil? Balance of things should exist, it'd be boring living in a perfect life every day.