I'd rather kick the wall with nail under my toenail.

Would you rather:
a) Die immediately meeting your perfect love.
b) live forever never finding love.
I am evil.
A of course....

Would you rather have x ray vision or have the ability to see super far
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."
That's a hard one,
Roast beef of course.

drink spoiled milk for a week or kill off the clan.
I don't exist
Drink the sour milk.(check the expiration date, you dummy.)

eat raw egg for a week

smell only fart smells for an entire day
I am evil.
I don't really know what you mean with that so I'll go with both.

Poop after wanking?
Wank after pooping?
evil Führer of Evil
I gotta go with option 3, and fap while pooping, it just seems like common sense to me.


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